Quadruple-Loop Product Management
a multi-layer-iterative Product Management process of Thinking in Bets
- Data-Informed Product Management
- of course it's actually more than 4, it's loops All The Way Down. You've got 6 layers of Strategic Context, then multiple layers of execution...
Sept'2022 version: the Jan'2022 loops aren't right, because not everything business-level is slower than everything product-level. (Also rotated the OODA labels.).
- bucketing Cagan's Strategic Context into 2 levels: Business and Product
- then 2 layers for the Opportunity Solution Tree
- every Action is a Bet (Thinking in Bets)
- some times there are little bets (tests) you can make to generate/validate data/hypothesis before "building"
- inner loops repeat more often than outer loops
- each loop has it's own kanban board?
Jan'2022 version: framing as 4 nested OODA loops:
earlier - Triple-Loop Product Management
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