Hackers On Planet Earth (Hacker)
The Hotel Pennsylvnia ("Pennsylvania6-5000"), where it's held, is supposed to be demolished.
Missed 2010 and 2012.
The Last-HOPE was Jul18-20'2008 http://www.thelasthope.org/
OWASP: boring corporate presentatiion
composting is not easy, get help
multi-site: let others work your backyard
Spin Farming: space-intensive (that doesn't sound right, the whole idea of SPIN is to get lots of yield per area)
Vertical Farm: multi-story building, hydroponics: none built yet. Raise BioFuel?
cityfarmer.org, cityfarmer.info, ryanishungry.com
city money often avail: sanitation dept, etc
Gweeds worked at Fat Duck, also does code
Reclaiming celery
Underground Supper Club
Wiki for lab NoteBook
food games: 3 random foods combined
- US military is largest consumer of oil
dang Ivan Krstic sick no-show
silly politically correct crap
Nell "wins" (compared to other girls) because of Miranda? I think that's a total mis-reading of the book. Miranda may have saved Nell, but it was that "interesting" life she was saved from that made her so special.
- attempt at teachers-are-key parallel
focus on After School for Route Around?
Lee Felsenstein of Home Brew Computer Club (is also in this space) and has written various critiques
data analysis/inference w large data sets
left in middle
Community Fabrication (Desktop Fab)
RepRap, etc
ProtoTyping machines: $60k, very closed
3D printer $15k
DIY: $600-3k: RepRap, Fab At Home and others
current state: linux mid90s
Public IT: Groningen Netherlands
focus: OpenOffice, Open Data, Open Source
Diebold now called Premier
smells like edge cases (handicap, multi-lingual) create infinite complexity. Maybe fall back to paper for long tail?
Free-music rant
- uh I don't see any part about the starving people
Prometheus radio: how to talk to normal people
- farm workers taught Reading in 45 days
Reprimand/Gonzo: fanboy inside-baseball
OLPC adhoc
- recent Olpc Update 1 improves power mgmt but may screw up mesh networking
(everyone read Little Brother)
30sec after callerID: he'll have basic info on you
5min for criminal record, family
from Stevens Tech talk: spent 5hrs researching one guy's info
focusing on private databases: because govt usually outsources this stuff
plenty from Social Networking
Amazon has db of everyone's soul
Google has more
Mobile makes things worse: completely tied to you.
- And you can't take the battery out of your IPhone
Justin Barber: killed his wife, caught [by](http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Legal Center/Story?id=2101466&page=1) browser cache
Goog Le owns the data the have: attitude
- won't remove it
remember: DoubleClick, etc
Dominos Pizza customer db: sold to Federal Marshall-s
Stop N Shop selling data to HMO-s. Stopped by outrage.
On Star can be activated remotely by warrant
Car license plates being identified all the time
- roving cars scan 3k/hr
Cell Phone location
tracking dwi, truants: must carry/register gps phone
Tivo selling data
Info Usa sells lots of lists
used in Jury Pool investigation
private companies: no FOIA
- LexisNexis (owned by Reed Elsevier) and Choice Point own everything now. [Biggest](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choice Point#National_security_contracts) client: US govt. And govt won't pass that info in FOIA request.
local police: drones, UAV-s
WebCam growing use
Manhattan 3k/sqmi WebCam-s
embedded Facial Recognition
London: 50% of assaults caught on camera, 3% of crimes solved
Newkirk Ave subway station: lots of WebCam-s, why? because neighborhood heavily foreign/Middle East?
Univ Of Colo smoke-in: facial-recognition, suspended almost everyone
Gait Recognition: FBI investing $1B
Quividi billboards look at you
Rick investigation
just private db, no field work
found someone else using his SSN
follow-up: tracked him for year while Rick tried to hide, caught him bunch of times: Stealing Your Own Identity coming out soon
FBI arrest story: Santoro
- FBI filed complaint w NYS licensure group yesterday
Zen of Hacker: Joshua of FSF
reading his speech
Paul Graham Silicon Valley bit: need Subversive Culture
Chemistry Set-s are lame now
immigration blocks
ATHF, other hoax charges
Bruce Schneier: crime of the unexpected
DMCA: Marcia of FSF
doesn't seem to know about Google Book Search
Douglas Spink made millions, later ran drugs
trains horse being held for ransom?
"relationships" with animals?
DEA can do anything, so don't get into the drug biz
Rules on disclosing ownership depend on state
if you want real privacy you have to go outside US
seychelles (mostly british Common Law), Lichtenstein, Vanautu
may need US sub to open bank
you can get these set up cheap/fast
private Currency
if you do gold/etc in US (DigiCash), Treasury Department will put you in jail.
He's working on something new/digital
raises moral/practical issues with clients you accept
Feb'2009: see Timothy Ferriss quoting Neil Strauss' Emergency book on similar issues.
Simulating Universe
- simulate sample of 10^6 particles
Grand Theft Media: laslow.com (of Grand TheftAuto)
goal: get heard
Nancy Franklin article on news vs lies
blogging is not Journalism
Parody both sides to be credible
Goal is to get people to think (via laughing), not to change their minds
comedy is Viral
federaljack.com questioner
xm/sirius merger
if you want to do Computer Game Start Up, do pc not console, so you can self-publish
Gloria W says play Katamari
biggest welcome ovation
obsessions: photos
Do Do skeleton: Super Sculpey
has portable laser scanner
new episodes in couple weeks
ILM sold off their model biz last year
jack off all trades
shows they didn't do (because Discovery Channel was scared of advertisers): rfid-card security; teeth whiteners
Jello Biafra: news bits
George W Bush firefighting budget cuts
Iraq reparations: James Baker, Kuwait, Halliburton and ToysRUs
Media Marketing Accountability Act (co-sponsored by Joseph Lieberman): ratings system worse than Tipper Gore's
Hope-6 was Jul21'2006 http://www.hopenumbersix.net/
- my photos - FlickR:HopeConference
Speaker Steven Rambam/Steven Rombom was arrested by the FBI while there.
notes from various sessions
Razor blades most-stolen good
Nokia building RFID readers into phones
Already carrying RFID?
Amex card
car keys
passports soon?
pet chips?
California stopping RFID in driversLic
for 2 yrs
fed RealID?
Easy to disable
2sec in microwave
mass vandalism in store
- 20w EMP
wrap in foil
range is 2m on passive?
- typical art-weenies
messy use of "power", etc.
- Freedom and Social Solidarity
like an animal rights nut
or does this become fundamental in the future?
AI uploaded entities - Accelerando (Charlie Stross)
Freedom means not being subjugated by others
"I'd rather have no software than proprietary software"
Creative Commons do not provide freedom
beware Trusted Computing
NSA server
subcontractors in India
Hacking = Mental Play
throw party
write music
esp tricky
- palindrome
EMacs for secretaries
hard programs are always hard
but in Emacs, simple programs are useful
dang we need Python equivalent
Robert David Steele http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/060720/dcth035.html
close to an OSI agency?
- who will control?
slides of threats and policies
2nd book fresh-out
- he also writes piles of reviews there
18 current genocides
war over Clean Water
good guys
bad guys
- history of not informing the US President of actions
governance: Corruption and the Party Line
Citizen Party: Third Party for Election Reform http://citizens-party.org
Weird tech
shock-wave generator: sonic weapon
nail-gun into machine gun
buffer overflow
open too many loops/tangents
- esp via Story Telling
then remaining flow goes right into UnConscious
format string attack
data content attack
- like SQL injection
Milton Erickson stories
- shift Framing
No Op sled
give self opportunities rather than commands
do it via Question
- can't be ignored
reach anyone in world with 1w
- qualifiers?
garage door openers
iTrip iPod/FM interface
- below 5w
turn old radio into transmitter?
- Software Defined Radio - SDR
these guys did the Make Mag Micro Controller
- ladyada.net
lots of old books available via BitTorrent
- Foxfire series
customizing as path to Hacking
is there a Linux for IRiver?
clone of Roland analog synth
what could I play with
machine translation
human-word mashups
copyright battles
- precedent for desktop-fab
35th anniversary just hit
ebook reader
- cell-phone
- what can you do cheaply?
seems like speakers have shared workshop, not living together
extra $250/month/person?
non-speaker CoLiving collectives
non-speak work-only shared spaces
New Hack City social club? (dead?) in San Francisco
L0pht Boston http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L0pht
Graffiti Research Lab: LED "throwies"
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