aka Community Supported Agriculture
subscribe to food output of a Family Farm; Local Food
New York City: http://www.justfood.org/csa/
- BarringtonNaturalFarms http://www.barrington-natural-farms.com/ beef (25lb min!), chicken, eggs
- 2014: they have a produce CSA now, too - $600/season
- http://www.localharvest.org/search-csa.jsp?lat=42.194267&lon=-88.13552&scale=11&ty=6&co=1&nm=
- Gentleman Farmer http://www.gentleman-farmer.com/ http://www.localharvest.org/the-gentleman-farmer-M42942
- Radical Root (pick up in Grayslake Il - 40min away) http://radicalrootfarm.com/
- Walkup Heritage Farm - mostly sells plants, but has chicken-meat CSA http://www.walkupheritagefarm.com/
- related: Grass-Fed meats http://www.eatwild.com/products/illinois.html
- http://www.illinoisfarmdirect.org/
- The Meat Goat (Wisconsin) http://themeatgoat.com/ delivers free, but $100 minimum
- have beef, chicken, pork, but the beef actually comes from Otter Creek Organic Farm http://www.ottercreekorganicfarm.com/
- that beef is otherwise only available through a couple Wisconsin stores http://www.shopmetcalfes.com/
- have beef, chicken, pork, but the beef actually comes from Otter Creek Organic Farm http://www.ottercreekorganicfarm.com/
more-packaged business: http://www.springwise.com/weekly/2006-07-18.htm#organic
also Labor Union representing school principals? http://www.csa-nyc.org/
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