Semantic Wiki
a weird/lite Semantic Web Wiki Hack...
A WikiWord can be like a Category, but it also Is A RDF vocabulary.
In a comment to a Britt Blaser post I wrote:
You know, a wiki could get you kinda far... Each entity gets a WikiWord to ease cross-reference.
The big challenges include:
entity uniqueness (make sure you specify George W Bush vs George H W Bush)
having more than one assertion per node
creating WikiWord-s for relationships (Bent Over For, Accepted Illegal Contributions From, etc.)
creating WikiWords for dates, and being able to search/sort (though if you used some sortable standard like On Date Yyyy Mm Dd and tweaked the software to accept that pattern, you could probably fudge an awful lot with regexps)
FREMA: framework reference model for E Learning (Educational Technology) Assessment.
- knowledge-base - yikes rather tiny still
- paper about it
Are there any public examples of more formal approaches? SemanticMediaWiki runs on MediaWiki - Semantic MediaWiki offers two means to make information about a page more explicit: Categorization of links (relations between pages); Typed attributes (of a page). How many people are going to do that?
a related idea is just using 'AND' queries for WikiWord-s like an intersection of different BackLinks queries to find a particular page. - Wiki Name Network
I had related [idea](z2003-04-16-WikiwordAsTopic]] to a related from [[Mark Nottingham.
- here's a more recent Mark Nottingham post that loops back to Britt Blaser's idea noted above.
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