Resource Description Framework

http://logicerror.com/rdf RDF defines an abstract way to describe just about anything. It does this by allowing you to make statements about resources. Resources are identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). The most common form of URI is a URL, like http://logicerror.com/. However, this does not mean that the resource must be accessible through the Internet; it only means that it must have an identifier.


RDF* (pronounced RDF star) is an extension to the Resource Description Framework (RDF) that enables RDF graphs to more intuitively represent complex interactions and attributes through the implementation of embedded triples. This allows graphs to capture relationships between more than two entities, add metadata to existing relationships, and add provenance information to all triples, reducing the burden of maintenance.

2002 notes

Tim Berners Lee article on "Why RDF model is different from the XML model"

Probable data format for the Semantic Web. Subject to patent risk

Championed by Aaron Swartz. His Nov'02 primer

RDF is typically thought of as being XML, and the XML format is pretty ugly. Some people prefer the NTriples format.

And editor for RDF graphs is IsaViz.

Haystack is an RDF browser. It's GUI layer is called Ozone.

RdfDb is a database for RDF. But it only has C and Perl interfaces (actually, another article said it just runs as a TCP-IP server, so anything can talk to it over a bare socket). And it doesn't appear to be very active.

StephenFiggins article about Python and RDF. References to 4RDF (see also this article) and RedFoot.

RedLand is an RDF framework with a Python API.

Since Tim Berners Lee likes to write in Python, there are some Semantic Web utilities available, including a tool to export MsOutlook to RDF! Also cwm (used to be Closed World Machine), a general-purpose data processor for the semantic web. It is a forward chaining reasoner which can be used for querying, checking, transforming and filtering information.

Sean Palmer writes info about Semantic Web stuff, plus code in Python. Even a Wiki which uses RDF. His Eep3 (http://infomesh.net/2002/eep3/) API will eventually probably get merged into Aaron Swartz's Semplesh work.

  • he's also written a very light parser Python module to use in other projects

Andrew Kuchling's intro notes

Nicely random intro by Morbus Iff.

Jun'2002 RDF/Object Browser questions to research:

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No Space passed/matched! - http://www.wikiflux.net/wiki/RDF