Neal Stephenson
One of my favorite authors (I've read every single book below). A big cyberpunk guy, fiction documenter of the Hacker ethos.
The Big U was his first book (1984). Not nearly as polished as his later stuff. But still has some hysterical sections. University life, role-playing games, etc. ISBN:9780380816033
Zodiac (1988) was the first book of his I read. Fabulous. Genetic engineering, PCB-s, Boston Harbor, etc. ISBN:0553573861
His break-out CyberPunk book was SnowCrash (1992).
Diamond Age (1995) had some great sections involving childrearing and artificial intelligence, but I found the ending a bit messy...
Cryptonomicon (1999) was maybe the "richest" book to date. One of my favorite novels ever.
Interesting essay from that time (1999), turned into short book. In the Beginning was the Command Line
Oct'2003: released QuickSilver, Volume 1/3 of the Baroque Cycle. Others followed.
- related interview
Anathem in 2008.
Mongoliad 2010
Reamde (2011)
Seveneves (2015)
Rise and Fall of DODO (2017)
Fall: or Dodge in Hell (2019)
Also wrote under the name Stephen Bury (co-authoring with his relative)...
- Interface (1994) is about a presidential candidate who has a stroke, and gets a computer implanted into a section of his brain. ISBN:0451454839
- CobWeb ISBN:014027183X (1996) is about Iraqi (War On Iraq) bio-weapon development within US agricultural colleges. Out Of Print.
Wrote longest Wired Mag article ever as research, Mother Earth Mother Board (and related chat transcript) about the laying of Fiber Optic cable around the globe. (1996)
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