Nature Of Truth

Is there such a thing as Absolute Truth?

Robert Anton Wilson suggests categorizing statements as true, false, relatively true (Thinking in Bets?); Self Referential (Wanking); Meaningless (BullShit?); indeterminate; Strange Loop; or Game Rule.

What are the implications for Natural Law?

Some terms for perceived reality:

the truth --2003/12/20 14:26 GMT
Kurt Godel: no one system can be complete from itself.

all potential energy - all cinetic energy = the Instant of your Life = the Nature Everything that Could be - Everything that Does exist = the Instant of your Life = the Nature

because in the Universe: all potential energy = all cinetic energy, so the difference = 0 = an "Instant"

because in the Universe: Everything that Could be = Everything that Does exist, so the difference = 0 = an "Instant"...

So the real knowledge is not to know how all systems are about the "Instant of Life", but how to feel the "Instant of Life". Be happy.

End of science.

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