My 25-Year Vision Roles
My Role-based 25-Year Vision Document, from Effective Entrepreneur
- cf Meaningful Life, My Calling, Archetype Based Living
Business/Make Money/Change The World: I am a (software) Product and System Innovator, creator of progress and agency (My Calling).
- Why: Social systems, esp schools, treat everyone like robots, which is horrible training/programming, esp for the Network Economy. So I increase the embrace of Generative alternatives for/by Reality Hacker-s. Software and startups are 2 great tools for improving many/distant people's lives through change.
- What: I run a Two-Pizza Company (Thinking Tools Kitchen) software-driven company that lets me Make Money and Change The World at the same time, I make $xk/yr.
- I'm also a mini PublicIntellectual, between?? and ??. I Make Money from Patreon (PatronAge), EBook (Wiki Ebook) (Info Product), PrintedBook sales. xk patrons x $y/yr = $xk/yr. Spreading Less-Bullshit Living and other Manifestos.
- related to SoftwareProduct: SmallWorld, FractallyGenerative, AgileProductDevelopment, maybe reaches into School Reform, Urban Village
- Live in city. To go to conferences and see My Friends. To Play Squash and Baritone Sax. And eat out well.
- "All I want is to be the NeroWolfe of Software Product Management." (Maybe settle for Dale Cooper. Or Robin Sloan. Or Buster Benson )
Health (Physical Fitness): I am a Bright-Eyed And Bushy-Tailed Squirrel!
- Why: I want the energy and attitude to dealWith/adaptTo reality in real-time with aplomb and grace. I want to run across branches as they blow in the wind and pick the right next branch to jump to. Even if I have a belly like a well-fed squirrel!
- What: I can do 7min exercise (every day) without feeling crummy afterwards! I can play squash for an hour against a younger man and feel good. I do Bounce And Shake Exercise dance to re-generate energy during the day instead of eating crap.
Relationships: I am a PlayMate.
- Why: I want to have fun with a variety of people, and have them enjoy spending time with me as well. But I don't need a super-deep relationship with too many people, or at least not a TightlyCoupled one, maybe just comfortable trust...
- What: I have friends (My Friends) who I have extended conversations with weekly, whether online (not just facebook threads) or in-person (food+drink). I might not be anyone's best friend, but I have 6-12 people for whom I'm in their top-6-12. I bring some fun/energy/activities to family life.
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