Product Management conference, community. See also ProductTank.
My notes: MindTheProduct conf 2019
- Martin Eriksson (founder) https://twitter.com/bfgmartin
- Everyone's biggest question: are we building the right thing?
- If SoftwareIsEatingTheWorld, we are writing the menu
- must focus on what's valuable, usable, feasible
- (MartinCagan)
- Denise Jacobs https://twitter.com/denisejacobs
- Banish Your Inner Critic
- Imposter Syndrome
- What blocks us from doing our best work?
- Maybe it's Us (internal)
- InnerCritic
- Maybe it's Us (internal)
- (Hmm how much "confidence" is appropriate under real uncertainty?)
- FlowState <-> Creative IdeaGeneration
- (crumpled-snowball-fight of biggest fears)
- tactics
- neuroplasticity
- adjust, learn
- mindfulness
- shift focus
- from negative to positive ideas
- shift focus
- SelfCompassion
- neuroplasticity
- 2 parts
- Reclaim Your Brain and Stop Self-Sabotage
- beware ANTs: Automatic Negative Thoughts
- swap phrases
- I have to -> I choose to
- I ought to -> I want to
- I must -> When can I?
- take back power/Agency
- Recognize when yo Awful-ize
- future-fears
- "And then" - everything is a series, forking possibilities
- Own Your Own Expertise and Unblock Your Creativity
- You can only have Imposter Syndrome if you're capable
- "Expert Enough" Manifesto https://expertenough.com/538/the-expert-enough-manifesto
- "Creativity is about recognizing patterns and making connections": Bruce Nussbaum https://www.business-standard.com/article/management/creativity-is-all-about-knowing-what-is-meaningful-to-people-bruce-nussbaum-113112400606_1.html
- Self-Distancing
- coach yourself as intentional SelfTalk
- Step Into Your Power
- "What would you do if you didn't have an inner critic?"
- Reclaim Your Brain and Stop Self-Sabotage
- Michael Sippey https://twitter.com/sippey
- Medium; was TalkShow, SixApart
- FoxTheater
- LocalNatives band
- crowd-surf
- live performance is an act of optimism
- LocalNatives band
- You have to be an optimist to make things and put them into the world
- Bank app podcast streaming?!? https://twitter.com/goldman/status/1149868330292924418
- Ray Dalio's Principles
- Medium team read it together last year
- they picked 7 principles
- Think Big
- IdeaGeneration
- Create Clarity and Focus
- This is the PM's job
- Think Big
- they picked 7 principles
- Medium team read it together last year
- Grand Unified Theory of Work https://medium.com/stating-the-obvious/a-grand-unified-theory-of-work-1223f74808
- banish unordered lists
- from your whole life
- this is how to Practice at Product Management
- you're probably under-investing in Prioritizing (Prioritize)
- from your whole life
- Let go of needing to be Right
- any process of Prioritization is probably "wrong" but still better than not doing it at all
- "all models are wrong, some are useful"
- do Strategy doc every 6mo (him with EvWilliams)
- "it's probably wrong, we just don't know where/how yet"
- be vulnerable with your team
- "it's probably wrong, we just don't know where/how yet"
- any process of Prioritization is probably "wrong" but still better than not doing it at all
- Enlist your team
- Martin Cagan, Inspired: 10 questions, wow that's huge!
- ask your team most of these
- marketing
- sales
- engineering
- you have to keep these 3
- what problem are we solving
- who are we solving it for
- how will we measure success
- ask your team most of these
- (listen to Song Exploder podcast)
- Lorde, Sober
- "tiger's roar"
- you want your team to give that
- "tiger's roar"
- Lorde, Sober
- Martin Cagan, Inspired: 10 questions, wow that's huge!
- banish unordered lists
- private question
- (I've known Michael online for 20yrs, this is 1st f2f)
- with ThinkBig company like Medium, how do you know you're making progress?
- it's really hard
- taste/theory (trust)
- get some adoption (Early Adopter)
- what do these people have in common?
- talk to them, make them happier
- then figure out how to grow that segment
- BrandonChu https://twitter.com/brandonmchu
- Shopify
- many companies moving from Product to Platform focus
- types of platforms
- developer
- Stripe, Twilio
- marketplace
- AirBnb, Uber, YouTube
- product-extension
- Salesforce, Shopify
- open your product so 3rd-party devs can add experiences
- each has specialty
- developer
- Shopify
- Shopify is #3 ecommerce engine
- after Amazon, Walmart
- Brandon sells mirrors
- (two-way acrylic mirrors) (smart mirrors) (infinity mirrors)
- merchants use avg of 7 3rd party apps each
- $7M/yr paid to 3rd party devs
- Shopify is #3 ecommerce engine
- accelerating the flywheel
- different gaps to fill
- identify, instrument
- team for each!
- trust is key
- Apple vs Chrome webstores: customers trust Apple more
- exit vs voice
- Platform PMs need specific skills
- Software Engineering
- Economics
- micro: supply/demand, pricing
- Operations
- quality, safety
- instrumentation, automated administration
- different gaps to fill
- earning trust with devs
- devs not happy with Apple
- Policy, BusinessModel, Purpose
- they could safely share their app-ranking criteria
- they forced GDPR on whole world of merchants
- invest in community
- early, have to pitch each dev
- scale to MeetUps
- scale more, to Developer Conference
- treat devs as business partners, not users
- be patient
- takes a long time
- long tail of delight
- some big winners
- Oberlo drop-ship
- Shopify acquired them
- Oberlo drop-ship
- takes 2-5x the build time
- stay Open as long as Possible
- David J Bland https://twitter.com/davidjbland
- testing/validating BusinessModel-s
- what dead product do you miss?
- (GoogleReader)
- Clearly Canadian
- $155M/yr in 1993
- innovation framework
- desirable
- do they?
- feasible
- can we
- viable
- should we
- moral
- economic
- should we
- desirable
- Product -> BusinessModel -> Organization
- BusinessModelCanvas
- it's a System
- it's a set of Assumptions
- combine with Innovation Framework https://medium.com/precoil/the-perils-of-crowdfunded-innovation-10a812be649f
- BusinessModelCanvas
- Build/Measure/Learn loop
- start with Learn
- ask the questions
- build just what/enough to answer some questions
- measure: qualitative, quantitative
- start with Learn
- How do I know which experiment to run?
- learnings have to be tied to Risks
- partner interviews -> viability, feasibility
- LetterOfIntent
- non-binding, but written
- with customers
- with partners
- pop-up store
- WizardOfOz (invisible concierge)
- Explainer Video -> Concierge -> Data sheet -> Partner interviews -> Letter of intent
- As a PM you can run experiments that bleed from product out to business model, have broader effect
- book coming: Testing Business Ideas https://www.strategyzer.com/books/testing-business-ideas-david-j-bland
- TriciaWang https://twitter.com/triciawang
- ethnographer
- how PMs and researchers can become BFFs
- Gravity Assist (slingshot)
- Shipping a product is harder than Gravity Assist
- big unknown: customers
- so we need User Centric process
- big unknown: customers
- But then Why Aren't PMs and Researchers already BFFs?
- validation vs discovery
- PM already feel like they own the Voice, because they integrate everything
- also designer, also marketing
- and execs
- Only One person can be the voice of the customer: the Customer!
- Actions
- have lunch
- PM/Researcher need trust/relationship
- over a meal
- PM/Researcher need trust/relationship
- researcher become discovery guide: facilitate
- always include voice of the customer in all communication
- laundry detergent experience
- targeting city
- had execs move to brooklyn apartment for 3 days and go do laundry in laundromats and talk to people
- scrapped their entire plan
- airplane Crew Resource Management https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crew_resource_management
- structured process of dialogue
- cf CheckList?
- hmm do you need a hyper-repeatable process for this?
- structured process of dialogue
- laundry detergent experience
- have lunch
- Fareed Mosavat (Slack) https://twitter.com/far33d
- ProductDevelopment has become increasingly complex
- teams/roles have become more complex
- learn from traditional Management
- David McCallum 1850s railroad https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_McCallum
- but we want experts thinking for themselves
- "management" is the wrong framing
- Fareed was at Pixar
- Ed Catmull book: Creativity Inc
- 3 lessons for product team leading
- (film/game director like PM)
- tell a great story
- enthusiasm
- just enough framing to let you fill in details yourself
- define the tension
- Mission
- unlock creative freedom
- "creativity must be present at every level of every artistic and technical part of the organization"
- spec it loose
- (or should it be more Mobbed?)
- get to the next hill
- (incremental, iterative)
- "plus" at every touch
- each person expected to add their own spark
- connect the dots with feedback (from PM)
- review before it's ready
- frequent, easy, safe
- daily?
- add to StandUp?
- daily?
- find the right zoom level
- AntiPattern: GoogleDocs nudges toward micro feedback
- review in public
- open-door
- everyone watching learns
- be a Product Director, not a Product Manager
- ProductDevelopment has become increasingly complex
- Steve Portigal https://twitter.com/steveportigal
- Research for Non-Researchers
- PWDR (People Who Do Research)
- Planning
- Goal: learning from customers
- not just usable, liked
- business question -> research objective -> participant questions
- who you LearnFrom vs BuildFor vs SellTo
- see big map of research methods
- Goal: learning from customers
- Doing
- in-person (in their space) has big value
- start from specific question to go to general
- ask them about specific real most-recent case
- any time user makes vague/general question, ask follow-up seeking specificity
- don't suggest answers (options) within questions
- don't talk about yourself, leave space for them to talk about themselves
- if they seem uncomfortable, can share a little to normalize their fears
- deflect roadmap questions
- "I'm going to act like a researcher, and turn that around: why is that important to you?"
- hold advice/corrections until then
- don't explain your product
- no "we already have that"
- speak their language
- reflect their own language
- and write it down
- reflect their own language
- hope to get them telling stories, not giving direct tight answers
- have lots of questions prepared, but should be emergent follow-ups
- make meta statements to clarify direction-switching, etc.
- don't just show your designs
- show things you build just to trigger conversation
- "provoke reflection"
- show things you build just to trigger conversation
- beware of attacking satisficing
- people are pretty happy with GoodEnough
- doing better has costs: money, cognitive
- make a recording
- your notes are Biased
- BusterBenson CognitiveBias Codex
- get a transcript!
- your notes are Biased
- empathy and judgment
- hear yourself making judgments
- question/refute them
- seek new data
- empathy overcomes judgment
- stress limits empathy
- don't kill yourself
- Acting On Research
- analysis, synthesis
- maybe talk to stakeholders before customers: identify the gap
- Research for Non-Researchers
- Kathy Pham https://twitter.com/kathytpham
- Product, Society, and Ethics
- (GoogleHealth)
- code has power, makes things happen
- decisions can have wide side-effects
- data storage -> timeliness
- Product Practitioner's Oath from 2018 https://www.mindtheproduct.com/2018/09/first-do-no-harm-by-mariah-hay/
- honor expertise
- lots of disciplines have been thinking about this stuff for ages
- Elizabeth Churchill https://twitter.com/xeeliz
- Material DesignSystem
- 2014
- Designers were driving it
- Engineering 2nd, little research
- not-flat, perspective, to "draw in" user
- physical 3D prototypes to play with lighting/shadow
- maps layers
- Designers were driving it
- 2015
- thousands of users
- 2016
- started formal research team
- gathered data which pulled in accessibility team
- 2017
- material as service, with great touchpoints
- StevePortigal was involved
- drove explosion in demand for research
- request-form as moat
- got Program Manager: Zanah?
- process of prioritization
- resources
- impact
- partnership (with design, dev)
- execution
- no project is done until outcome is summarized, archived
- process of prioritization
- more Product Managers
- material as service, with great touchpoints
- 2018
- 2019: Google scale
- billions of users
- 20 people in "Material Experience Research" team
- Teresa Torres https://twitter.com/ttorres
- Show Your Work
- math: multiplication to algebra to TravelingSalesman
- "not just about finding the right answer"
- like building a product
- PMs find comfort in artifacts/plans
- fill that roadmap/backlog
- but then we don't get to do that
- "my perfect solution"
- blame the boss/Hippo
- can't get alignment at the end
- share model with stakeholders
- (bah these numbers are kinda bogus)
- they could make their own model
- how prove whose model/idea is best? can't
- maybe no best/perfect answer
- co-create with stakeholders
- we all have excuses not to do this
- example
- Opportunity Solution Tree
- or other approach that helps people visualize
- Outcomes not Outputs
- Opportunities
- Opportunities
- customer need/pain
- too often we jump on first Problem we hear about
- need to identify lots of opportunities: "landscape"
- John Dewey
- HowWeThink
- collect stories
- time to involve stakeholders
- 4 common practices
- send out recordings
- send out pages of notes
- make research deck, review in meeting
- just cherry-pick to support your downstream argument
- 4 common practices
- OST good way to communicate
- ok to structure
- higher-level easier to prioritize
- pick 1
- then prioritize its children
- "what else would you add?"
- ok to structure
- Opportunities
- Solutions
- IdeaGeneration
- generate Lots of ideas
- prioritize candidate-subset with stakeholders to drive experiments
- IdeaGeneration
- stakeholder process
- OST gives you baked context, so you don't keep revisiting older discussions
- Opportunity Solution Tree
- summary
- don't keep thinking you have the right answer
- you're not 1 feature away from success
- and you never will be
- ProductMarketFit is a moving target
Summary (Agile Product Development)
- ProductManagement is inherently hard, no silver bullet
- Always struggling to decide What to Build (Next)
- need incremental/IteratIve ("you're not 1 feature away from success"), starting from experiments
- always be prioritizing
- needs everyone's involvement, everyone's whole brain
- so need communication; so need trust
- principles/mission provide aligned context
- ProductManager brings the clarity/focus
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