Highlighting And Annotating
HighLight, Annotation, Note Taking
Key to My Digital Gardening Process
Original Context
Types of content I want to handle consistently
- EBooks: EPub
- (all, but esp long-form) web content) - e.g. InstaPaper
I want to be able to (on an Android Tablet)
- highlight arbitrarily-long contiguous blocks of text (might cross paragraph boundaries)
- have those highlights be visible when I come back to that text
- be able to attach my own notes to any arbitrary point
- have a view of all-highlights-and-notes in the document, ideally broken down by chapter/section, which I can click on to jump to that place
- export all-highlights-and-notes for a document so I can copy/paste them elsewhere (either this WikiLog or my Private Wiki). (I will end up editing, at least partially to mix in WikiWord-s.)
- needs to distinguish the quotes/highlights from my notes, while mixing them in a single "chronological" list
- needs to be PlainText - some kind of SmartAscii would be nice
- HTML would be acceptable
- would be nice to have some sort of link/pointer back to the source point (Paragraph Addressable), though that would probably have to be to a Book Server.
As of Sept'2017
- Nexus Six instead of Tablet
- MoonReader for My Book Reading Process, emailing whole-book highlights to myself
- InstaPaper for articles, using API to scrape highlights
- highlights from either source end up in either my WikiLog or my PrivateWiki
I think a side-effect of this is that I Write Only The Highlights.
How well do ebook-reader apps do this? (Oct'2012)
- only supports EPub not other formats
- lets you highlight chunks of text
- can copy highlight as you make it, to paste elsewhere
- highlights are not visible as you read
- list of bookmarks/highlights in view is in order you made/viewed them, not fixed in source-order.
- can't add your own notes
- can't export collection of highlights - they're in a SQLite db, but the user can't get to that.
AlDiko - free
- lets you select text to copy/paste but has no Highlighting or even Bookmarking!
AlDiko - paid
- clearly has Highlighting but can't tell whether can export them. Submitted ticket to ask.
- Answer: We currently don't have export option, we will forward your feedback to our production team for further consideration.
MoonReader - ooh I see posts mentioning export of highlights! And it does PDF and HTML and lots of other languages! I'm buying it!
- Yes, I can Select All my highlights/notes and "Share" (email) them with myself, from which I paste into a Private Wiki or WikiLog page. (No sort of "location" data for each highlight. Have to use Search to find the original context.)
- Boy I wish this was an InstaPaper client.
- InstaPaper has a feature to assemble all your selections into a single big EPub. But considering how random my working-through of the backlog is, I don't really like that process much....
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