(2007-04-25) Reading Machine I Want
The Reading Machine (Thinking System? Thinking Space?) (hardware + software) I want....
Proxy Server/WikiProxy that feeds a Personal Web Archive. (This probably needs to be in the cloud for access from multiple devices.)
Can easily attach WikiWord As Tag to any page (actually, to any node).
Can easily flag as "public" to share via LinkBlog/WikiLog.
Can manipulate into OutLining format. (HyperScope/HyperBook)
- Can highlight bits to save as Pull Quote. Those become more visible in a HyperScope view, and are included in WikiLog entry.
- Can write my own notes and save, associated at specific level. (Paragraph Addressable, Annotation Systems)
Can take Off-Line, so need Data Synch.
Extra credit:
if talking about hardware device, it should run FreeMind - 2006-12-12-LargePdaDesire
in terms of software would like excerpts notes to be Wiki Page As Mind Map.
This is part of the Information Ecosystem Roadmap.
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