Exposing Young Kids To Science
I'm interested in getting my first-grader exposed to the gestalt of modern scientific thinking - nonlinearity, dynamics, Emergence, Complexity Theory, Evolution, etc.
I don't have expectations of having specific skills acquired, just in getting a sense of the Wonders Of The Universe, etc.
I'd like to suggest resources to the science teacher in my kids school. I'm focused on a first-grader for the moment.
I suspect audio/visual/simulation is the way to go. Educational Technology
animations of time-evolving physical systems
Physics-based games http://www.fun-motion.com/list-of-physics-games/
Though a good story can be helpful - e.g. the Hotel Infinity
Other SciFi resources:
very long list of books, with no reviews
Watch episodes of The MagicSchoolBus!
Edu Web has pieces on history, art, math, Engineering, Economics, etc.
Charles Eames Powers Of Ten film
Rudy Rucker's free gnarly software (Fractal, Cellular Automata, etc.)
Rudy Rucker's and John Walker's Cel Lab Cellular Automata software
I wonder whether the DOS software for Richard Dawkins' Blind Watchmaker runs well on MsWindows? (Why isn't this Open Source by now?)
Stephen Wolfram's New Kind Of Science
his official commercial software
projects from Rudy Rucker's course
[Reviews](http://www.don-barrett.com/Nineworlds Review.htm) of commercial science education software
- Virgil Reality sounds pretty good.
IMACS runs After School programs in math (using formal-logic) and computer-science (using Scheme and Logo!) - but no location near me.
- they have online classes for Middle School and High School
DASH/FAST are science curricula developed at the University Of Hawaii (they run training programs for teachers). You can order teacher materials but they're not cheap! I think being "inquiry-based" puts them kinda in a Socratic style...
interesting tool - Inspiration Mind Mapping software for Interactive White Board-s.
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