The Windows Operating System.
Potentially commoditized by net-driven applications, where cross-platform compatibility becomes a requirement.
Apr'2011 - help with running virtually under MacOs X
2006 - Applications I run on MsWindows (office DeskTop):
Mozilla for browsing and EMail (and ChatZilla for IRC, though sometimes Trillian for that))
Active State Python Win for Python editing (don't use debugging tools, but need folding outline, auto-indent, highlighting/auto-color, etc.
GAim for Instant Messaging/Jabber
- does it do IRC?
Palm Desktop to synch my Handspring Treo; I Silo to grab web pages to read offline
Pg Admin for PostgreSQL mgmt (though mostly I just use psql via SSH)
MsOffice, occasionally trying OpenOffice; would love better OutLining
EMindMaps for Mind Mapping
local Zope server
for testing things that will go on a real server
to run local personal data (if hosted server won't handle the volume, which is sad - is it Zope's fault or the host?)
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