Digital Literacy

Can be a whole range of things.

How to research, evaluate findings, Critical Thinking (and other Thinking Tools), and digital Tools For Thought. Prompt Engineering?

How to "present" yourself online: Dialogue, Branding, Internet Marketing, Social Networking, Ecosystem Of Networks, etc.

How the Internet and World Wide Web work.

Implications for society and the future: Network Society, Network Economy, Network State. Program Or Be Programmed.

Computational Literacy, Computational Thinking

  • Ian Bogost: I want to suggest that there is a utility for procedural literacy that extends far beyond the ability to program computers. Computer processing comprises only one register of procedurality. More generally, I want to suggest that procedural literacy entails the ability to reconfigure basic concepts and rules to understand and solve problems, not just on the computer, but in general. (Problem Solving, Systems Thinking, Simulation)
  • Charlie Stross list of items to learn: we'd have young adults who recognized they were operating machinery, rather than magic boxes.
  • Alan Cooper list of "technical groundings" realities, including Things like the most important thing in programming isn’t the tiny code details but the big picture stuff: why are we writing this? Who for? What is the purpose? How will it be used? How will it be understood? How will it be misused?

Bleeds into being a Maker: 2012-03-06-WattersUdellWebMakerLiteracyPerspectives

Useful skills for Making A Living (see Varieties Of Info Technology Jobs).

You can't assume that so-called Digital Natives have any of these skills.

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