(2010-09-13) Groom Ple Student Control

Jim Groom wants students to host their own WebLog-as-PLE at their own Domain. He has made this point before.

Mike Caulfield has a post about the same (Domain as Digital Identity) issue.

Jul'2012 update by Jon Udell. The domain focus has gotten a "Domain Of Ones Own" framing.

  • Nov'2012: the Domain Of Ones Own group will be fully funded moving forward! This is huge for our group on a few counts: 1) it includes a half-time position that can help us get fully staffed again, 2) it illustrates the administration at UMW is fully committed to supporting the work we are doing (all the way up to president Hurley), and 3) we don’t have to beg, steal and borrow to make Domain of One’s Own happen. We’ve been so used to doing things on a shoestring budget that it’s bizarre that we actually have the funding to run Domain of One’s Own for the next five years, with some space for custom development, a half-time position, etc.

Apr'2013 update: The way we were talking about it, a version of MartinHawksey’s open courseware would be an option in the resources part of the wizard to allow any domain (or node) to also become a hub by installing a push-button (M)OOC-in-a-Box (MOOC) (which can also become its own hub) or push a button and have a DS106 framework, Commons In A Box, etc, and a community there to support you as well. How sick would that be? And with the possibilities of collaboratively creating, coding, and forking on GitHub, we could actually manage all this well. Think about it, a service that actually empowered people to experiment with various technologies created within a specific context on their own domain for the price of a url and cheap hosting—this is UMW’s Blue Host experiment writ large, and it has legs.

Jul'2013: they're expanding this Framing to Reclaim Hosting, providing free/supported web hosting to professors at any university willing to pay for the Domain for each student. This is actually an independent business.

  • May'2015: Jim Groom is leaving the college to join this operation full-time.

Edited:    |       |    Search Twitter for discussion

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