A diagram is a symbolic representation of information using visualization techniques. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diagram Thinking Tool
List from Abby Covert's How to Make Sense of Any Mess
- Make a block diagram that shows how the pieces of a concept interrelate.
- Demystify a process by making a flow diagram.
- Break your latest project down into its individual tasks and make a Gantt chart.
- Compare a group of restaurants in your neighborhood in a quadrant diagram (2x2).
- for more than 2 dimensions: a spiderweb chart (or radar chart)
- Explore what happens when concepts or objects overlap using a Venn diagram.
- Break any multi-user process into a list of tasks per user with a swim lane diagram.
- Depict the content and organization of your favorite website in a hierarchy diagram.
- Unload all of the cool ideas in your mind right now in a mind map.
- Explain how to make your favorite food with a simple schematic. Bonus point for exploding it!
- Make a journey map of a day in your life.
see also Fishbone Diagram, Diagram of Effects, Graph Drawing, Whiteboard, 2x2
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