Caveman Diet

seems to be a Good Diet

might also be what we revert to post-CollApse

John Walker reviews Loren Cordain's Paleo Diet ISBN:978-0-470-91302-4

  • Dec'2011: summarizes his year of following the diet.

Discussion Forum

if Raising Kids: PaleoParents

Jun'2013: Scientific American challenges the myths that people use to justify the Caveman Diet. Most nutritionists consent that the Paleo diet gets at least one thing right—cutting down on Processed Food-s that have been highly modified from their raw state through various methods of preservation (Three Food Rules). Examples include white bread and other refined flour products, artificial cheese, certain cold cuts and packaged meats, potato chips, and sugary cereals. Such processed foods often offer less protein, fiber and iron than their unprocessed equivalents, and some are packed with sodium and preservatives that may increase the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. But the Paleo diet bans more than just highly processed junk foods—in its most traditional form, it prohibits any kind of food unavailable to stone age hunter–gatherers, including dairy rich in calcium, grains replete with fiber, and vitamins and legumes packed with protein. The rationale for such constraint—in fact the entire premise of the Paleo diet—is, at best, only half correct.

  • myth: humans haven't evolved, so we should eat based on what use we use "naturally" eat. Reality: we've evolved in lots of ways already (lactose tolerance, etc.)
  • myth: the unprocessed foods we can eat now are just like what caveman ate. Reality: even our most "raw" foods have changed dramatically through selective breeding, etc.
  • myth: caveman were healthier. Reality: even mummies had atherosclerosis.
  • Note: it's still possible the Caveman Diet is healthier than others, but it needs to be proven from data, not from (faulty) logic.
  • this article is tied to the publishing of Marlene Zuk's book Paleofantasy: What Evolution Really Tells Us About Sex, Diet, and How We Live
  • here's another related article from Science Based Medicine.

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