quick-and-dirty managerial intro
Google BluePrintCss framework http://code.google.com/p/blueprintcss/
tutorial site http://www.echoecho.com/css.htm
Sept'2011: Twitter "BootStrap" library, built on top of Less (which gives you parametric CSS)
Jan'2011: Responsive Web Design with CSS-3 media-queries for Mobile
- Sept'2011: Boston Globe redesign discussion - the design was driven by Ethan Marcotte, who "wrote the book" on Responsive Web design.
Jan'2009: 10 WebApp UI techniques
Jan'2007 - 53 techniques you can't live without
Google HTML/CSS styleguide
<http://www.w3.org/Mark Up/Guide/Style>
http://www.nypl.org/styleguide/ (they still use HTML tables, but CSS for all other style control - this sounds like a pretty good compromise, if it validates - which that particular URL does)
Apple guidelines bless using one layer of tables (after trying pure-CSS), and give simple things to do to move stuff into CSS
Jeffrey Zeldman: http://www.zeldman.com/lectures/css/ and his book.
Simon Willison tutorial series then Blast sites with user-side style sheets to find legacy markup http://www.meryl.net/articles/archives/001014.php
layout-o-matic for boxes http://www.inknoise.com/experimental/layoutomatic.php
WebLog table design generator http://www.wannabegirl.org/firdamatic/
Html Dog info site http://www.htmldog.com/
Jeffrey Zeldman on DropDownMenus; hates them, but points to a way to do them relatively cleanly just in case
Mark Bernstein on tools for debugging CSS commands.
on fluid layouts for handling a variety of window widths
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