Work Community
for Fractally Generative Pattern Language
Other possible names: Workshop School, Studio School, Workshop Cluster
- Want to support children and adults in the Network Economy with shared Infrastructure (Sharing Goods) and expertise.
- Educating Kids and Educating Adults is more effective (GoalOfEducating Kids) when structured around building things that the person finds Meaningful: Constructionism, Project Based Learning.
- Students will increasingly control their own projects/schedules.
- Having a "real customer" for a product/project often helps generate the best FeedBack: D And D.
- People often learn/achieve best when working in groups at least some of the time: Connectivism, Master And Apprentices.
- Combinations/interactions of software and hardware often create more interesting (and profitable) products/services than either would alone.
- Desktop Fab is increasingly affordable. But there are a variety of tools that are rather expensive for, and would be under-utilized by, a single person: Hacker Space.
- New technology is often learned earlier by youth than by adults. So teachers can be younger than their students: University As A Marketplace.
- Have a cluster of workshops (Workshop Cluster, Work Community) where Free Agent-s and small teams/classes can build things (Maker, Hacker Space).
- Provide a management software system to handle permissions (certification), reservations and charging of time, equipment, materials, and people (teachers, managers, ApprenticeShip). Allow any resource in town to plug into this system: Resilient Community.
- see Sudbury School for low-tech model
- at first I was thinking of each machine having a Debit Card reader, etc. but now I think each should just have a Web API.
- hmm, can a machine/resource be managed in 2 separate markets?
- this can be Loosely Coupled with a Project Based Learning management system, and any Personal Learning Environment system.
- Have nearby individual-and-team relatively-clean workspace: CoWorking.
- Have small number of small-auditorium spaces for presentations/lectures/Peer Review by members and visitors: Studio School.
- Make sure there's a Coffee House and Street Cafe!
from Alexander Patterns:
... there is no reason why your workplace should be any less of a community than your home... For workplaces to function as communities, 5 relationships are critical:
- workplaces should be in clusters of ~15
- any given cluster should contain a mix of work types - manual, creative, retail, financial, etc.
- there should be a common piece of land within the cluster, tying the individual places together
- not isolated from surrounding larger community
- have 2 levels of clustering, so that commons that best support just ~6 workplaces have that-size mini-cluster around them, while those mini-clusters form a bigger cluster to support things that need that Critical Mass (e.g. Beer Hall).
See related: Scattered Work, Small Public Square-s, Self Governing Workshops And Offices, Street Cafe, Food Stand-s, Communal Eating...
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