Wiki And IRC
Some ideas for doing mashups of IRC and Wiki (esp Wiki For CollaborationWare)
I'm not doing anything with this at the moment because our office connectivity is flaky enough that I suspect a bot would keep getting disconnected
- though maybe I need to test that theory because I think some bots have auto-reconnect features...
IrcBot ideas
associates a WikiSpace with a channel (I guess that should be changeable by sending it a command)
- rev2: use InterWikiMap config file and allow cross-wiki names like Meatball Wiki:InterMap (for non-default spaces)
recognizes WikiWord-s in the human postings
checks each against a current list of nodes in the wiki namespace (so you'd need some config file listing the nodes per space, and a way to update it)
- Worse Is Better: don't even worry about it, just generate URI as if it existed
for each match outputs the associated URI
A flip-related idea: bot that watches RecentChanges and posts changes to IRC.
- maybe makes sense to use RSS for this?
See Blue Oxen thread - I think a granular-threaded discussion medium is still needed. OHS obviously provides that. I played with a similar idea: Node Web.
custom IRC client - tweak ChatZilla or WxIrc? Have to get the entire team using the same one.
have a Wiki space associated with a session. If you double-click (ctrl-click?) on a WikiWord it launches a browser window for that page.
pretty rendering of SmartAscii (ChatZilla uses same bold/italic tags as in email)
custom IRC server
with custom client
- ??
with vanilla client
- ??
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