What Your Team Needs Integrated Into Its Wiki
We've covered Why Use A Wiki For Your Team, but a TeamWiki by itself does not give you enough help. What else do you need? And, do they need to be integrated?
The Wiki becomes your primary Intranet "store" of thought, but you'll have lots of "flows".
Types of integration - see also Intranet page
- Automatic Linking
- to Wiki pages via Smashed Together Words
- to Issue Tracker pages by some sort of numeric reference like
- additions/changes appearing in (RSS) feed
- authentication (identification) and authorization (group/role management), so you don't have to do it in every separate app
The Issue Tracker is your key shared To-Do List.
If you're generating any software, you need a Version Control System browser interface, so you can note the flow of updates related to tasks. (Check-in comments should always include Issue Tracker task numbers/links, and often include Smashed Together Words.)
- I consider this to cross into being a Software Forge.
Non-Real Time Group Discussion
- I don't find ThreadMode in wiki pages to be a very good way to discuss things.
- Email Discussion Beside Wiki is ok, but not ideal
- web-based Discussion Forum, supporting Threaded Discussion
Real Time Group Discussion (want to be able to move easily from n=2
to n>2
- f2f - Techno Graphy - Screen Sharing (if all in same room, use projector; otherwise use Video Conference)
- for fuzzy big-picture meetings I often use Mind Mapping
- for more-structured meetings I just write notes in a wiki page that starts with the agenda
- Group Messaging - Google Hangouts?
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No Space passed/matched! - http://www.wikiflux.net/wiki/2012-12-08-BowkettManagementGamificationGithubValveSkyrim