
Discussion Forum hosting company spun out of The WELL for awhile.


1997: Camilo Wilson was brought onboard in January to lead the development of Well Engaged. Maria Wilhelm, president of both The WELL and Well Engaged for the last 12 months, initiated the long-planned move to devote all her attention to The WELL... In its first year, Well Engaged licensed its discussion group software to some of the most visible Web sites: The Wall Street Journal, Electric Minds, the Los Angeles Times, Amazon.com, CMP Media's Tech Web, Tribune Media, Warner Music, Playboy, Quote.com, Computer Curriculum Corporation, Main Quad, Lifetime, Direct Medical Knowledge and others.

Prospero Technologies was formed in January 2000 as the merger of Delphi Forums and WellEngaged. http://web.archive.org/web/20000609212105/http://www.delphi.com/dir-app/service/press/delphiengaged.asp?webtag=mainconf

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