
Live Chat that

  • runs in a Web Browser - no plugins or apps required
  • typically tied to a specific website, e.g. for customer support
    • for more peer communications type, see WebIM

Mar'2015: why Intercom Io thinks it sucks, and wants to replace it.

The Wp Engine guys use Snap Engage. $50/mo http://www.snapengage.com/plans

ZenDesk has it, but not in the super-cheap Starter (Start Up) version http://www.zendesk.com/product/compare

V Help free for 1st agent, $10/mo/agent after. http://www.vhelp.me/site/pricing/

Zop Im is free (for Lite), but only 1 concurrent chat. https://www.zopim.com/pricing

OnlineChatCenters has free Lite. http://www.onlinechatcenters.com/live-chat-pricing

Click Desk has free, then $10/mo Trying this for Family Financial Future

Help Den $10/mo http://www.helpden.com/app-pricing.php

Comm100 $14/mo/operator http://livechat.comm100.com/pricing.aspx

Chat4 Support $12/mo/operator http://www.chat4support.com/Buynow.asp

Ogg Chat $12/mo http://oggchat.com/index.php/free-trial

O Lark $17/mo http://www.olark.com/plans

Web Site Alive $30/mo http://www.websitealive.com/live-chat-pricing/

Could be web-based Live-GroupDiscussion system.

Edited:    |       |    Search Twitter for discussion

No Space passed/matched! - http://www.wikiflux.net/wiki/WebChat