Virtual Company
My interest is in tools/processes to increase the likelihood of survival/success for a SmallCo of thinkers.
Organization Models for the New Economy/Network Economy? Extreme Self Governing Workshops And Offices (see also Internal Market, Workplace Democracy)
SmallCo with no permanent/full-time employees - taking various inputs to generate revenue/value, then having some model for disbursing it (including to people who are no longer involved).
Group Forming process?
Some examples
- mesh of companies in Accelerando
- Daniel Suarez's Daemon
- rules being developed at DoTank - 2008-06-18-VermontVirtualLlc
- Cory Doctorow Self Publishing With A Little Help experiment 2009-10-21-DoctorowHelpBookModelExperiment
- Alternatives To Traditional Family
- John Robb's PictureThis Open Venture Start Up 2010-11-09-RobbIntentionalEconomyAsService, 2011-06-24-RobbOpenVentureFunded
- see BetterMeans, LoveMachine
- Crowd Company
- Smart Contract
- Pro Founder? maybe doesn't belong here
- Film Industry model?
- Slicing Pie/Grunt-Fund process
- a Real World Game that can Make Money?
- Stripe Atlas from Stripe.Com?
- MMORPG guild: alternative loot-splitting: Loot System
- an OpenSource project?
- a DAC, DAO, SmartContract
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