
Michael Sippey is experimenting with a personal wiki space


sippey's also publisher of StatingtheObvious at

Let's test url: SippeyWiki:TextManagement

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Those who use this space may decide that because of the versatility and usefulness of the WikiWay, that it would be desirable to Own Your Own Wiki. That decision made, you are left with the choice of the many available wiki engines and clones. Since this Personal Wiki will reside on a machine over which you excercise control, you may use it in any way and insert any type of material you find will meet your needs. Some of the possible uses include the following:

You can maintain a PIM. Use it to record notes and recollections, wiki record of telephone conversation summary, prepare and make simple presentations (can include graphics), maintain a personal name/address/phonebook, maintain bookmarks and links to other pages and intranet and internet links (by topic, or other grouping), cut and paste Search Engine findings for later browsing or editing, keep reminders, maintaing a chronolog, log events from programs and executables written to your wiki directory as flat text, CRC Card and other images capture by digital photo or scanned, calendar items and reminders, saving the recent changes each day to a page with a name like Recent Changes 20020419.wik as a record of the above usages (logs, etc). You can also Keep track of and notify via Intranet of the activities of a team, group, or association. You can save your favorite pages from this wiki and the pages you author and/or participate in. You can use it in connection with your Paper Porting to file pages away and delete from the active directory. You can use it to author or insert snippets of code for programming. Record metaphors, abstractions, jokes, cartoons, quotes, and sayings. You can use it to record book lists, movie lists, cd lists, or other various list of interest, including inventory lists. The list goes on ...

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