
Scratch is a new Programming Language that lets you create your own animations, Computer Game-s, and Interactive Art.

it's a VisualProgramming environment (fit the puzzle pieces together)

built on Squeak Smalltalk!

thread comparing it to EToys

  • key Alan Kay comment: But (to me), once HyperCard appeared in the late 80s, it showed how to do "media programming for beginners" and (to me) drew a line that we should not retreat backwards from. The irony is that the media objects and tools for doing a Hypercard like experience as part of the environment are lurking below the surface in Squeak Smalltalk. Etoys exposes them wrapped in tile programming, and Scratch does not. This is a big mistake for Scratch IMO. Hardly anyone complains because hardly anyone understands what is being lost.

What is the difference between Scratch and StarLogo TNG? Both Scratch and StarLogo TNG share a common heritage with LogoBlocks, a tool to create programs for Pico Cricket-s. The two tools are written from entirely separate code, but we do share ideas. The audiences are different for the two products as well. Scratch is primarily designed as a tool to make computational multimedia projects for kids, targeted at Computer Clubhouse-s. StarLogo TNG is designed for more formal education environments such as introductory programming classes, or subjects (such as biology, chemistry, physics, etc.) where modeling is an important part of the curriculum. They're both interesting tools, and you should check out Scratch when it becomes available. Scratch is built on Squeak.

another Mitchel Resnick project

Mar'2007 Tom Hoffman thinks they haven't fulfilled the Open Source aspect of their NSF grant. The estimated period for the grant is September 2003 to August 2007. The award is for approximately two million dollars... With six months left in this four year project, there have been no public releases of the Scratch source code. Includes response from Resnick.

  • this interview says Scratch is a "closed development, open source" project. We plan to make source code available by mid-2007 under the MIT License so that others can experiment with extensions and variations. However, unlike a conventional open source project, we do not seek code contributions from the community. The open-source version of Scratch will be visually different and incompatible with the standard MIT version, to avoid confusion between experimental versions and the standard version. blech

  • As of March 2012, there are two different versions of the Scratch 1.4 source code available. One is made available under the Gnu General Public License (GPL) V 2.0, and the other is available under the Scratch Source Code License.

May'2013: Scratch 2.0 is released. To run Scratch 2, you need a relatively recent web browser (Chrome 7 or later, Firefox 4 or later, or Internet Explorer 7 or later) with Adobe Flash Player version 10.2 or later installed. Scratch 2 is designed to support screen sizes 1024 x 768 or larger. If your computer doesn’t meet these requirements, you can try downloading and installing Scratch 1.4, which you can still use to share projects to the Scratch 2 website... The source code for Scratch 2 (website and editor) is not yet available. The source code for Scratch 1.4, written in Squeak, is available on GitHub.

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