Rudy Giuliani
- tried to keep himself in office after the World Trade Center attack
tough on the Mafia -
tough on Wall St/White Collar Crime? or were they just empty headlines? Lots of Perp Walk-s, but few convictions.
Books about Rudy Giuliani
2000: Wayne Barrett: Rudy!: An Investigative Biography of Rudy Giuliani ISBN:1413219381
2005: Fred Siegel: Prince of the City: Giuliani, New York and the Genius of American Life ISBN:1594030847 treating Rudy Giuliani as Machiavelli's Prince (in the "good" sense)
interview with Siegel - Giuliani's greatest accomplishment was in reviving the neighborhoods of New York so long undermined by crime and Welfare. More than making the city governable again, he restored hope to the aspiring poor, who once again had a chance to better themselves by taking advantage of what he called "the genius of American life."
2006: Wayne Barrett (again): Grand Illusion: The Untold Story of Rudy Giuliani and 9/11 ISBN:0060536608
interview with Barrett
Barrett piece
KirkusReviews: Giuliani's subsequent claims that he had expected and had been preparing for a terrorist attack since taking office do not match the facts, which the authors explore in abundant (and just this side of numbing) detail. Giuliani, for instance, detailed an Office of Emergency Management, but then located its headquarters inside what had long been identified as a prime target-the World Trade Center.
Aug'2007 Barrett article on Rudy Giuliani's Five Big Lies About 9/11
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