Republican National Convention In Nyc

The 2004 Republican National Convention will be in NYC Aug29-Sept4 2004.

John McCain will be speaking. 2004-07-06-MccainRepublicanConvention

  • In New York City it would be impossible to prevent protest, but local officials are doing their best. So far, only the Labor Day march, which is organized by major unions, has been granted a permit. The Parks and Recreation Department has refused to issue UFPJ a permit for a rally in Central Park.

  • There is no doubt that some activists are planning to engage in direct action and civil disobedience. But there is less emphasis on this than at past protests; indeed, the plans for colorful artistic activism are more representative of the prevailing spirit. Activists do not, at a time when hostility to Bush is so widespread, want to help him out by creating an unappealing fracas.

Jun13 Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Those Old Protest Tactics Have to Go - Wendy Tremayne, a performance artist, is recruiting volunteers for a Vomitorium, a re-enactment of a Roman orgy that she plans to stage as a protest against imperialism, consumerism and gluttony.

Jul9: inside look at a Jon Stewart segment

Jul12 disruptive anarchist plans

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