Personal Media Franchise
New Media Start Up built around single strong-voice person, but expanding to other front people to be more scalable.
- or maybe it fails then, too, eventually. Does any Advertising-based model dilute that Voice? Maybe better to go with Life-Style Company?
From Jay Rosen: 2013-07-24-RosenPersonalNewsFranchise: The category includes:
- Deal Book, built around Andrew Ross Sorkin, New York Times. It covers Wall Street dealmaking.
- Wonk Blog, built around Ezra Klein, Washington Post. Politics and public policy.
- Jan'2014: moved to Vox Media
- Five Thirty, to be built around Nate Silver, ESPN. Data-driven coverage of sports, politics, business, weather, culture.
- GrantLand, built around Bill Simmons, ESPN. Writerly coverage of sports and popular culture.
- MMQB, which launched yesterday around Peter King, Sports Illustrated. NFL football.
- AllThingsD, built around Walter Mossberg and Kara Swisher, Dow Jones. Technology news.
- Jan'2014 both left and became ReCode
- Pierre Omidyar's First Look Media
- Andrew Sullivan?
- Jan'2015 announced he's retiring
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