Open Twitter
decentralized Twitter - treating it like a new Open Standards protocol for an EcoSystem
- does OpenMicroBlogging API do it?
I tend to think about Open Twitter like a public Interest Graph, vs Open Social Networking Model as having more of a focus on selective sharing to different groups of people.
- this is very sloppy in a number of ways
- ignores possible desired for Privacy from BigWorld (see link below)
- ignores Group Forming process desire
- nudges me toward trying to stick as close as possible to RSS
eliminate Scalability/Single Point Of Failure concerns (Fail Whale)
avoid having it get broken by bad behavior
avoid Terms Of Service issues?
greater potential to have all your archives available - 2010-07-23-ArchivingMyTweets
easier potential for building custom/ized tools on top of the stream, without worrying that Twitter will cut you off
Features, in order of importance to me - context: Open Twitter - 2007-03-29-OpenSourceTwitter
post via web
manage who I follow (like FOAF, look up in Identity Hub)
- or maybe this goes in your RssAggregator/Universal Inbox
read fresh/new/recent posts (in batch) from people I follow
directly via web
via RSS (hmm, every user could have his own feed at a different place, and you just aggregate them in your RssAggregator)
- Mar'2012: Dave Winer made a MicroBlogging NameSpace in RSS-v2.
- Oct'2013: Dave Winer notes: you could bootstrap something simple with just RSS. But notification has to be fast. I know some people who are working on that, maybe. Let's see.
Like Button (Re Tweet), etc.
- Discussion Forum integration - separate service, or integrated/inherent? Raises the Real Time need?
- or try to do Blog Thread via Two Way Links like WebMention (per IndieWeb folks)
- 2011-02-23-TwitterChat
- Discussion Forum integration - separate service, or integrated/inherent? Raises the Real Time need?
support for more than 140 characters? HTML?
post via Instant Messaging, SMS (or other Mobile Fat Client)
read via Instant Messaging, SMS - personally, I don't do this, but I expect others find it a requirements
Some candidates
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