I wrote my original NodeWeb page in 2003.
At one point, I used "NodeWeb-2019" for what became Flux.Garden (after dropping a bunch of ideas from it).
Now, inspired by Jess Martin's summary of (2022-08-16) BetaWorks Render Tools for Thinking, I want to sketch out a vision for how I'd like to read/write/work.
Not-ironically, I'm struggling with how/where to capture this! Here, Miro, FreeMind?
- does that imply live-data-synch/interop, or just easy-ish migration from one "form" to another?
text/notes/links from diagram
- OneBigSoup, Everything is a Graph, (2020-12-22) Graph-driven SoftwareForge
- hmm maybe Tana is way ahead of me
- ReST
- PostgreSQL Everywhere? (2022-08-17) Udell Postgres Everywhere
- Node can have multiple Schemas (micropub micro-format)
- I made gsheet of param for some microformats vocabularies, and for properties returned by APIs of commercial to-do-list apps, and for Dorian Taylor's Process Model Ontology gloss on to-do-lists, inheriting from IBIS and others.
- Node = task (ToDoList)
- Node = calendar event
- Node = text-Block
- Node can be a chunk of text bigger than 1 paragraph; like a sub-sub-section? can contain other nodes (not just text-type); have its own title? cf StructuredWriting
- Node can be metadata pointer to remote node
- Subset of nodes is a Collection (and is a Node)
- Could be manually collected (becomes a tag?)
- Could be query-based
- ReadItLater
- Annotation
- Personal Web Archive
- Auto-save; log/diff
- Modeless
- some possible UIs for section of the graph
- WhiteBoard UI (like Miro)
- Infinite Canvas
- Place things anywhere
- Optionally draw links?
- Node can spawn a TreeView of children
- TreeView-ish UI (like FreeMind) (alt: Winer-Outliner) - is this the default/fallback view?
- Mostly-hierarchy
- Incrementally load connected nodes
- SoftSpace-ish UI
- TableWidget UI
- Doc/MarkDown editor (modeless, auto-save, logging/diff)
- Indicate (icons?) whether a label has (a) contents; (b) children/links
- WhiteBoard UI (like Miro)
- notes on imagining use by
- a product-team cluster;
- a notes-geek (me);
- loose team (TaskCloud)
- architecture hand-waving (e.g. OpenDoc, Personal Cloud)
- implications for what I might want to build, and how to change Flux.Garden to prepare for that...
UX for a traditional product team
Let's start from our agenda, and add discussion notes as we go along
- cf Technography
- TreeView UI
- a node can wikilink an existing task, an existing doc
- identify new to-do items for people, but they're still just text-nodes
Let's write a One-Pager
- in MarkDown
- wikilink to other nodes of strategic context
- the doc is probably 1 node with no "children"
Let's create an Opportunity Solution Tree
- use a whiteboard UI
- OST is a node, containing nodes (and links amongst them)
- any node can be wikilinked
- Let's discuss some candidate initiatives, make short-list
- make pros-and-cons table (hmm markdown format? or gdoc?)
- make fancier table with more columns (WikiCalc? gsheet?)
- can pick top initiatives candidates, create task for each to have someone draft one-pager
I'm looking at my ToDoList, esp to pick/do Most Important Task
- for any of my existing tasks that were mentioned, I link the task
- for new tasks for me, I create a new task, then link it from the text-node (I don't "convert the text node into a task" because I want to leave the original language in-place, but the task Title itself might be best worded differently)
- query not-Done tasks I created, or assigned-self, or otherwise Watch
- I have my own person Priority ordering from previous drag-and-drop ordering
- a task has a Title and a Body, and meta-data
- I have a question about this task, I attach a message, naming them. They'll see open-item in their list, can respond. Discussion-thread-graph is a child of the task.
- Question resolved, I complete the task. Watchers of that task get status-done update.
- I realize I need to add a Next task to the same "project" - I jump into that graph, find the right place to insert the task, insert it.
- By default it will start at the top of my list? Or maybe I'll have an UnPrioritized Inbox?
- or maybe I assign it to someone else, so it will show up in their Inbox to Prioritize
- I can see the priority-position in their queue
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