Mobile Payment
Using your Mobile as form of Money access to make transaction (f2f or E Commerce).
see TenCent
older notes
Is there really a Compelling need/benefit here?
- where Credit Card isn't usable, e.g. London Taxi.
- in NYC this is no longer much of a problem.
- for children who don't have Creidt Card
- reduce Credit Card fraud - where is this a particular problem?
- buying online content (or SaaS like Thirty7 Signals), because there's no physical delivery?
Designing Interactions has a section demonstrating what a pain it is to buy a coke from a Vending Machine with an I-Mode phone.
2008-03-19-ScobleMobilePaymentBoil - Robert Scoble on the Boil The Ocean challenge faced by Andrew Mobbs' Pocket Duo Mobile Payment product concept.
Jan10'2010 comparison of SquareUp, Intuit Go Payment, VeriFone Pay Ware, and Roam Pay.
- broader discussion at roughly the same time.
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