A book about a book.
The ur-MetaBook line is probably the Cliffs Notes series (to the extent that they can be considered books - I'd says they qualify as Thin Book-s).
A possible example sitting unread on my shelf is The Sign Of Three ISBN:0253352355 . Now I that I notice a Charles S Peirce reference, maybe I'll graze again.
Now I've discovered that Barnes And Noble are starting a series, so I picked up the "companion" (ISBN:1586638637 ) to Jared Diamond's Guns Germs And Steel since I've never forced myself to buy the original (I'm interested in the argument but whenever I browse it I'm put off by the writing itself).
Hmmm, should really short summaries count? Hmm, the below are business-focused, I wonder whether there's another category that would be viable?
Joe Wikert has ideas for this format, and like
- charges $100/year to send you 1 summary per week (52/year). (Electronic delivery only.)
ExecutiveBookSummaries (by Sound View) [charges]( Template/77) $100/year for 35 summaries (delivered in monthly batches).
site with some free short summaries
Wiki Summaries is free!
Do I need to buy a license to the original book to avoid Copy Right issues, if I want to sell a MetaBook?
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