Market Distortion
Actions by Big Government (aka Government Failure) which result in symptoms often called Market Failures. Making a mess of the Free Market/Market Economy (distoring FeedBack), esp for the SmallCo vs the BigCo. Explained by Public Choice Theory?
corporate Limited Liability and Bail-Out-s (S&L, Hedge Fund-s, Mexican debt, etc.)
fixed cost of dealing with regulatory structures, Red Tape; NIMBY zoning, rent control
Trade Guild Protectionism, Tariff-s;
government (fed or local) Subsidy (Real Estate, taxes, etc.);
overly broad Patent-s;
Bankruptcy protection ("re-org");
subsidizing Trans Port (Cheap Oil, highways, trains, etc.) helps Big Retail consolidate
Universal Service requirements, FEMA Bail-Out-s (taking on risk from people living in places known to be flood-exposed)
monopoly on Money?
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