MySQL/PHP/Apache local installer for MacOs X
when I started it the first time, couldn't get MySQL running: '/Applications/MAMP/Library/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysql/host.frm' (errno: 13)'
per this changing permissions in the mysql/mysql directory to mysql:admin (were set to my username, then 'admin'): nope, it won't let me
ah, I think I figured out the issue. I think it has to do with the account-renaming associated with moving things over to my MacBook.
started MAMP under new/clean name, and both services started up.
Trying to load a dev data dump for work. Using Php My Admin
create new db
try importing, get "You probably tried to upload too large file" msg. Have to change 3 php.ini settings. Seems to be working now... Nope, timed-out in the middle.
imported via 'source' command. Looks good.
Copied existing PHP stuff over to MAMP htdocs directory, tried to hit home page.
(somewhere in here I changed MAMP port to standard 80, fearing that some dynamically generated links might not work right otherwise)
Got empty page.
MAMP's PHP error log says I'm missing a Logger class I need.
tried to pull in chunks of httpd.conf - now Apache won't start at all! But every little testing thing I run says "Syntax OK".
- test by going into apache2/bin directory and doing 'apachectl -S'
reverted to original 'httpd.conf' - realized original problem identifying Logger class was because I hadn't set 'autoloader.php' in 'php.ini' - did that and restarted MAMP, and got a page (with plenty of broken stuff).
also made local hosts file change to give a name to my local server (putting it in same domain as real server, for cookie sharing), then created new Virtual Host section for that name.
Trying to get SSL working
- links from apr2007 and |dec2007
- actually, I delayed this by mucking with my config to avoid redirecting to SSL for now
Ah, a key issue I was having came from not having the latest db schema! Doh!
Launching MySQL from command-line for direct access: '/applications/mamp/library/bin/mysql --database=....'
When my Mac dies, MAMP won't restart. Solution: go to Preferences window.
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