High Agency
high agency - a personality trait
- Eric Weinstein: When you’re told that something is impossible, is that the end of the conversation, or does that start a second dialogue in your mind, how to get around whoever it is that’s just told you that you can’t do something?
- George Mack thread: High Agency is a sense that the story given to you by other people about what you can/cannot do is just that - a story. And that you have control over the story. High Agency person looks to bend reality to their will. They either find a way, or they make a way.
- Shreyas Doshi post ((2020-06-28) Doshi High Agency What Is It Why Its Important And How To Cultivate It), esp as relates to being a Product Manager
- (2020-07-02) High Agency Product Management
My take:
- high agency is a good (and rare) personality trait to deal with a chaotic world - Reality Hacking
- semi-related: Sarah Taber tweets: incels: bitches don't like you unless you're high-earning super-confident & good-looking
women: I can only relate to misery. bring me the sewer boy - also: Think Big
- semi-related: Sarah Taber tweets: incels: bitches don't like you unless you're high-earning super-confident & good-looking
- but if you need it to get anything done within your company (gaming the system), that's a badly managed company - Change your Organization - see also Soft Skills
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