
Cluster of people who developed a Group Pattern Language.

9 Categories (each with a Keystone pattern)

  1. Intention (Purpose)
  2. Context (History and Context)
  3. Relationship (Tend Relationships)
  4. Flow (Divergence and Convergence Rhythm)
  5. Creativity (Generate Possibilities)
  6. Perspective (Viewpoint Shift)
  7. Modelling (Holding Space)
  8. Inquiry & Synthesis (Inform the Group Mind)
  9. Faith (Emergence)

The Patterns

  1. Aesthetics of Space
  2. All Grist for the Mill
  3. Appreciation
  4. Appropriate Boundaries
  5. Balance Process and Content
  6. Balance Structure and Flexibility
  7. Breaking Bread Together
  8. Celebrate
  9. Challenge
  10. Circle
  11. Closing
  12. Commitment
  13. Common Ground
  14. Courageous Modelling
  15. Deliberate
  16. Discharging
  17. Distilling
  18. Dive In
  19. Divergence and Convergence Rhythm
  20. Dwell with Emotions
  21. Embrace Dissonance and Difference
  22. Emergence
  23. Experts on Tap
  24. Expressive Arts
  25. Feedback
  26. Follow the Energy
  27. Fractal
  28. Gaia
  29. Generate Possibilities
  30. Go Deeper
  31. Go Meta (meta level)
  32. Good Faith Assumptions
  33. Group Culture
  34. Guerrilla Facilitation
  35. Harvesting
  36. History and Context
  37. Holding Space
  38. Honour Each Person
  39. Hosting
  40. Improvise
  41. Inform the Group Mind
  42. Inquiry
  43. Invitation
  44. Iteration
  45. Letting Go
  46. Listening
  47. Magic
  48. Mapping and Measurement
  49. Mirroring
  50. Mode Choice
  51. Moving Toward Alignment
  52. Naming
  53. Nooks in Space and Time
  54. Not About You
  55. Opening and Welcome
  56. Playfulness
  57. Power of Constraints
  58. Power of Place
  59. Power Shift
  60. Preparedness
  61. Presence
  62. Priority Focus
  63. Purpose
  64. Reflection/Action Cycle (iterative)
  65. Rest
  66. Right Size Bite
  67. Ritual
  68. Seasoned Timing
  69. Seeing the Forest, Seeing the Trees
  70. Self-Awareness
  71. Setting Intention
  72. Shared Airtime
  73. Shared Leadership and Roles
  74. Silence
  75. Simplify
  76. Spirit
  77. Story
  78. Subgroup and Whole Group
  79. Take Responsibility
  80. Tend Relationships
  81. Time Shift
  82. Trajectory
  83. Translation
  84. Transparency
  85. Trust the Wisdom of the Group
  86. Unity and Diversity
  87. Value the Margins
  88. Viewpoint Shift
  89. Whole System in the Room
  90. Witness with Compassion
  91. Yes, and

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