Embedded Hardware
We have a custom base-station unit for Living Independently. But it has a custom (not by us) VM and nasty scripting language.
I'd like to find a box (cost below $100) that could be developed for with an Agile Programming Language...
LinuxOS on XBox? http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~ranma1/legal.html
LinkSys WiFi box? http://www.pbs.org/cringely/pulpit/pulpit20040527.html
Recent DDJ article
- ref to TCP-IP Lean: Web Server-s for EmbeddedSystems ISBN:157820108X
I guess I need to track Sensor technology a bit, too.
for single-client unit, playing with E Way Co MiniITX box - $100
I might consider this for a super-lite Home Server (for Wiki Host)
- the Fit Pc is a bit more expensive, but includes Hard Drive.
for multi-client situations, playing with Logic Supply MiniITX - $500
Tim Bray noted GregPapadopoulos showed these at dinner; the round thing is the world's smallest secure Web server, with HTTPS and elliptic cryptography built in; the other is some sort of smart sensor with a radio and accelerometer and other stuff, runs Java of course. The next rev will be way smaller. http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2005/02/03/-big/IMG_3246.jpg
UseNet group comp.arch.embedded http://groups-beta.google.com/group/comp.arch.embedded
running Python on cheap hardware?
PyMite? http://www.python.org/pycon/papers/pymite/
Pytte? http://effbot.org/zone/pytte.htm
WhatOS uses Python to generate a C RTOS? http://www.sticlete.com/whatos/index.html
This article is about running Python in a Hitachi SH-1 system (work done in 1999)
that's the family of CPU-s used in Sega video game systems. Now licensed by Renesas
it's called the Super H [architecture](http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Super H) and there are LinxuOS distros for it.
Cleese <http://cleese.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/Cleese History>
Unununium http://unununium.org/introduction
PyPy is an attempt to implement Python entirely in Python, to allow it to be used on an even wider array of platforms. Doesn't sound ready for use, but worth watching....
other Agile Programming Language-s on cheap hardware?
this article talks about an OOVM that uses SmallTalk and fits in 128kb.
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