Email Encryption
want to be able to read/send encrypted EMail with Mozilla (for Windows). Gads the docs out there seem written backwards. It's very possible that there's something wrong below.
Install GPG (Gnu-PGP)
Install Enig Mail
- Enig Mail becomes a menu in the email window
If someone's going to send you an encrypted message, not just signed, then you need a key pair.
go to Enig Mail menu, pick "Generate key"
you can have a separate key for each email account you work with.
pick a passphrase, hit "Generate key" button
Sharing your Public Key:
To send someone your public key (so they can decrypt messages that you encrypt for them), create a new email message. That window will have an Enig Mail menu which will include "Include public key" item which will dump the key into the body of the email.
to share with the rest of the world:
copy that public key and stick it into a public web page (in your WikiLog?), nah, instead...
save to a text file of its own on a public website
saving mine to My Public Key and then have code to make that available at uri /pubkey.txt
upload to a public keyserver - I went to and submitted it, but it didn't have any place to enter identifying info (like my name)
Using the same Private Key on multiple computers - see cheat sheet:
gpg --export-secret-key -a "User Name" > private.key
gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import private.key
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