East Village Smoothies
Yeah, there's a Jamba Juice at Univ/13th, but that's a few-block walk, and it often has a long line.
When I worked in Mid Town there was a smoothie truck across the street, and it was cheaper and better than Jamba.
What are my alternatives in the East Village?
I've seen a smoothie-truck just below Astor Place a couple times, but haven't caught it when I had the time to try it out.
Bottled pseudo-smoothies: Naked Juice, in stores and at StarBucks.
SundaesAndCones on 10thSt/3rdAve, good Ice Cream shop, also makes a couple smoothies. Not bad.
Pink Berry: a little too yogurt-driven for my taste
BenAndJerrys: no info on their website (!), but this release says they're fat-free and under 250cal...
- I had the mango, it was pretty good, but a little too driven by sorbet-base
Liqui Teria has all-fresh ingredients. Lots of supplements available, if you're into that stuff.
- I had the "PapayaParadise": pretty tasty, though maybe not crazy of the real-coconut thing. I had a cold when I drank this, and it made me really phlegmy - maybe the Soy Milk?
Need to try:
Surf City Squeeze (or is it SoupAndSmoothies) at 36 St Marks Pl
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