Disputation Arena

old (2000?) David Brin speech on "Disputation Arenas: Harnessing Conflict and Competitiveness for Society's Benefit" - In the long run, the Internet will serve us best if it enhances two seemingly contradictory traits - Individualism and Accountability. This may seem an odd blend, but their synergy is what brought us nearly everything we cherish about the modern era... The ultimatum of a disputation arena won't be to award "victory" to any one side, but to create an atmosphere of practical Problem Solving, helping moderates understand each others' concerns and reach for some mutually beneficial consensus, leaving fanatics isolated and impotent at the wings. In today's political climate, we all win by forcing both sides to accept a little ambiguity... Ultimately, Free Speech is about much more than just self-expression. It is also how humans find ways to solve problems and live with one another. Compare to previous Accountability Arenas.

Basically an online debate (Group Discussion) that attempts to use reasonable/objective facilitators plus HyperText to raise the level of public discourse and let Evolution get rid of dumb ideas. For use in Society Design or Business Strategy.

Includes references to: Sustainability Hyperforum and Adjusted Winner. Acknowledges: Professor Bruce Murray of CalTech, Dr. Robert Lempert of the Rand Corporation, Ohio State Professor Peter Swire, Ohio State Professor Joshua Stulberg, Dr. Cheryl Brigham, James H Bigelow, Carl Coryell Martin and Stefan Jones

vaguely related to: Idea Exchange, Idea Market, Idea Futures, Information Markets, General Semantics (Semantic Noise), Dialogue, Argumentation Visualization, Debate Graph, Collaboration Ware, Governance, Collective Intelligence, Web Of Trust, Thinking Tools...

Mar'2007: see Umair Haque on Market Network Community Platform Ecosystem distinctions.

Feb'2013: John Robb distinguishes Few2Many (F2M) (e.g. Google, FaceBook) from P2P (e.g. BitTorrent, Wikipedia, Open Source projects) approaches.

Holocene: 2014-11-05-D3jsForThreadedChatHolocene

Aug'2015: The problem with this model is that it's very discussion-oriented, not leaving behind anything quickly browsable by someone who wasn't part of the discussion. I'm thinking some combination of: EPrime, Argumentation Visualization, and a Web Of Trust calculation (Crowd Sourcing ratings of individual nodes, but allowing you to focus on ratings by people you trust/follow) might be key...

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