Digital Camera
camera that stores your Photo-s only as digital files, no film ever.
I fooled around with an IntelPlay for awhile.
Most of the below is specifically about Digital Point And Shoot cameras. See separate Digital SLR.
By 2010, most people use their Mobile.
Once you go digital, you have to decide whether to have Negative Scanning done for your archives. We did a test run in 2009.
mid-2004 purchase
some recommendations from Jerrys List May'2004 (focusing on small/simple/fast/zoom):
3mp is maybe optimal number
Casio Exilim 4mp, the Canon Digital Elph 410
IMO more megapixels is not always more better, and I have heard that the exilim 3 has fewer problems than the 4.
review of Elph SD110 $300 for 3mp - Another enhancement, called Quick Shot, allows users to take a very fast picture without having to wait for the camera to focus. The camera just switches to infinity and fires.
SD110 features a 2x, 5.4-10.8mm zoom lens, equivalent to a 35-70mm zoom on a 35mm camera (a fairly common 2x zoom range)
Panasonic DMC-LC33
now discontinued Canon Powershot A70
Pentax Optio S4
Minolta Dimage XL
The only compact 4MP digicam that received the highest rating at is the Canon Elph/Powershot series.
June2004 - I bought the Canon Elph SD110. 3-megapixels - what's the smallest free app for sucking images off the camera onto my Lap Top?
- feedback: pretty happy with it, except (a) a bit slow for my taste in getting the shot, which means you miss a lot, and (b) slow exposure when at maximum zoom means you get very grainy shots.
This thing also shoots Video. I use Image Capture to pull movies off the camera to the IBook: IPhoto doesn't seem to do that for me.
Late'2006 - considering replacement - want higher res, better zoom; if possible faster shooting
Sept'2006 - discussion thread on Signal Vs Noise - people still like Canon SD series; also the Fuji Fine Pix; also lots of love for the Panasonic/Leica Lumix although this doesn't impress me)
Canon SD 700IS
is the first Canon ultra-compact ever to feature optical Image Stabilization (that's why there's an "IS" in the name), and the first to sport a 4x zoom lens
speed figures
Aug'2007 update: dpreview doesn't like the newer 800 as much as the 700. But maybe your priorities are different.
Philip Greenspun says the same thing (as of April). The newer ones are not an improvement!
- he really likes the Fuji Film Fine Pix F30 (thought Weaknesses: no optical viewfinder; no orientation sensor--if you take a picture while holding the camera vertically, the image will show up sideways your computer and you'll have to use software to rotate it.). So [does]( F30/page16.asp) dpreview, except noting it tends to over-exposure in bright/outdoor light. Rrrr....
Ken Rockwell disagrees and likes the SD850-IS.
prices Consumer Reports new issues has reviews, including some "super-zoom" (10x) models - ????
Mark Hurst recommends the Canon [[SD30]] (5mpx)
Outcome: bought nothing (as of Jun'2007)
trying to buy the Canon above
order placed Oct05 with Howard Pierce
checked online Oct12, status just say "open". So call them (800-229-3905), find out item is back-ordered, they're working on it, ask for 5 more (biz) days to get it.
still nothing Oct17, and gave exact same line about "if you give us another 5-7 biz days my guys will get it"
Oct26: have heard nothing
can't get through on phone: "we're experience high call volume"
website is totally broken
oy now I see complaints [like]( P Direct A V.htm) this - and I used Froogle and limited based on vendor-ratings. So that process doesn't smell so great.
Oct29 still down need to try and call again, and check my credit card bill
Oct30 got email from them saying they couldn't fulfill the order, so it's cancelled. (Website still down.)
may try Compu Direct
placed order Oct30 (site said it was in stock)
got email Oct31 saying order was delayed - will not be able to ship this order and any associated orders until future notice
Nov09 have heard nothing, so I call to cancel.
having read that Ken Rockwell likes the Canon [[SD850]]-IS, I'm going to just buy that, and probably pick up Digital SLR at same time.
- Nov11'2007: yes, bought the SD850-IS.
wife thinks she wants to buy Digital SLR (hmm, will Nikon take my Nikkor lens?)
Hack for the CVS 1-use Digital Camera so you can keep re-using it.
- CVS is also doing a 1-use Digital Video Camera!
Mar'2005 Business Week article on home photo printing notes:
use same brand for ink and paper and printer (not sure I agree)
if you only need to do 4x6 prints, get Epson Picture Mate, which gives good results for $0.20/print
if you need more print-size flexibility, get Canon Pixma iP4000 which runs $0.30/print
We never make prints for our own use. If we want to send prints to grandmas we upload to the print/mailing service (Kodak?) integrated into IPhoto.
Cameras use the RAW file format to save lots of Meta Data, but it's not used consistently.
- Sept'2007: hack Canon firmware to support?
Note that Paint Shop Pro supports Python scripting
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