Design School
College Education for studying Design
Undergraduate programs well-rated as Engineering School, Architecture School, and Industrial Design? Hmm, don't think any are top-10 in all 3
- spreadsheet list of summer-school offerings for high schoolers in 2014
- Cornell University: engin, arch (no indust design)
- UT Austin: engin, arch (no indust design)
- Cal Poly San Luis Obispo: engin (no PhD), arch (no indust design)
- Cooper Union: engin (no PhD), arch (no indust design)
- Carnegie Mellon: engin, indust design (and has B Arch!)
- Virginia Polytechnic (Virginia Tech): arch, indust design (good engin)
- High School summer arch/design
- Pratt Institute: arch, indust design (no engin since 1993)
- High School summer multi
- RISD: arch, indust design (no engin)
- Syracuse University: arch, indust design (ok engin)
- High School summer indDes
- also consider
- UIUC: great engin, good indust design, M Arch (has undergrad program in arch "studies")
- University Of Cincinnati (engin 81st hrm)
- Arizona State?
- High School summer arch+indDes - no housing!
- Auburn
- High School summer arch, design
- Savannah College Of Art And Design (SCAD): arch (M Arch, BFA; no B Arch), indust design
- High School summer: week-long workshops for soph/jun/sen (general fine-arts), plus 5-wk program for seniors
- UC Berkeley?
- RIT?
Stanford University D-School - grad-school only
- Undergrad - Product Design within the Mechanical Engineering major
David Kelley quoted in Bill Moggridge's DesigningInteractions book (Book List):
We used to design objects, and we have machine shops to ProtoType them. We still need machine shops, but if you're going to design experiences and services, you have to have new prototyping tools to explain to people what it would be like with this new serivces, or how difernet it would be doing something if we had this new technology.
Now we're using more Story Telling. My students are taking Improv classes and activing things out. They all know how to use some kind of quick and dirty Video process so they can tell a story: they are becoming cartoonists so that they can do quick storyboards.
Another issue for teaching design in university now is the difference between depth and breadth. Designers are inherently people who are good at breadth. They have broad interests, and they apply their skills broadly. That is why we teach breadth. But there is also the issue of depth. What are thy going to be good at?
The answer for us at Stanford is that they are going to be good at the process of how you bring all the experts together. They are the experts in the methodology, so they hold the other disciplines together. Because of the complexities of the projects, you need a whole room full of experts in order to get anything interesting in the way of Innovation. We decided that designers are going to be the people who integrate the technology and the process and are the glue that holds these experts together. They are empathetic to other disciplines, which translates to having breadth. (Wow, big risk here of people either becoming process nazies (see CMM, PMO), or vapid hand-wavers ("I'm a facilitator"), or worker bees unable to function outside the hive, not Free Agent-s.)
- reading list
ITP - graduate program only
IIT (Grad School only, no Bachelors Degree)
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