David Foster Wallace

dead book author


http://www.davidfosterwallace.com/ unofficial fan site

Infinite Jest http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinite_Jest

The Pale King http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pale_King

  • unfinished at his death

  • Wallace in his final hours had "...tidied up [his] manuscript so that his wife could find it. Below it, around it, inside his two computers, on old floppy disks in his drawers were hundreds of other pages—drafts, character sketches, notes to himself, fragments that had evaded his attempt to integrate them into the novel."[8] On her blog, Planned Obsolescence, Kathleen Fitzpatrick reported that the Pale King manuscript Michael Pietsch is editing is "more than 1000 pages [long]...in 150 unique chapters"[9], that it will be explicitly subtitled “An Unfinished Novel”"[10], and that Pietsch believes the published version (sched for Apr'2011) will be more than 400 pages.

    • perhaps the complete content should be put onto a Book Server...

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