Cultural Pluralism
Culture meta-GameRule/Value of Tolerance toward SubCultures (outgroups?) co-existing and interacting - live and let live
David Brin on our (US, Open Society?) Dogma of OtherNess. Anthropologists tell us that every culture has its core of central, commonly shared assumptions — some call them zeitgeists, others call them dogmas. These are beliefs that each individual in the tribe or community will maintain vigorously, almost like a reflex... "We, too, have our zeitgeist. But I am coming to see that contemporary America is very, very strange in one respect. It just may be the first society in which it is a major reflexive dogma that there must be no dogmas! (Against Method)
cf Diversity, Human Universals
Can you really avoid Culture War?
Does limiting to Nations-Lite/Minimal Compact help? Instead, we're moving further toward the Unitary State.
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