Collaborative Technologies Conference
These days I'm concerned a bit more about Real Collaboration Challenges.
running across town between the conference and the office - thus missing morning keynotes
- Ross Mayfield on Thomas Malone's session; would like to know more about Aes Power.
nobody's using the IRC Back Channel, and little use of the Wiki
WebLog/Wiki smackdown, hosted by Clay Shirky
too much review of what the heck they are, and too many examples are Public Web, rather than Team Is The Focus
Anil Dash's starting point is similar, though more clearly just for comparison to the Invisible Content/Long Tail (drink!) of hidden Intranet blogs.
adopted Bottom-Up like EMail/Instant Messaging: if you have 50 employees, someone is blogging; if you have 100 employees, someone is blogging on company time.
I really don't see much of a point for WebLog as a medium of internal communication, except as one-way broadcasting (Occupational Spam, Corporate Blogging). Wiki Beats Weblog.
RSS is wonderful. I'm not quite sure on this, although creating a Universal Inbox for stuff you're not watching every day makes sense.
(too pitch-y at start, what the heck does "Enterprise Strength" mean? LDAP?)
standard Death Of Email pitch. I haven't found this much, but that could be because of my specific organization (on the one hand, we don't do a lot of "FYI" spam, on the other hand you can't rely on Wiki as a way to know that someone will read what you wrote)... Well, it does reduce the "I forgot what we decided" emails...
- Edward Vielmetti is reminding me via Instant Messaging that there are still lots of people out there depending on their EMail archives, and going nuts.
- Structured Wiki - (got there before JotSpot)
how correct info when no Critical Mass of readers (vs Wikipedia)
EMail wasn't any better
remind people that info is always open to question, ask for confirmation
Sarbanes Oxley - how do sufficient logging of history?
- Wiki archive history almost always included (but don't purge it!)
Real Time collaboration
I'm just ignoring the session, which isn't exciting...
I probably have to get enough balls to try Techno Graphy (with an actual agenda!)
for remote meetings, maybe Wiki And IRC bot that alerts people to RecentChanges (with edit-comment)...
access enterprise data?
internal-to-team focus vs ease of AdHoc/temporary/limited access to other teams
Site Scape Forum: Andy Fox: Real Time Conferencing, Presence Detection
- Presence Detection: current and near-future dimensions of state - busy how? for how long? Context.
IBM Real Time stuff - activity-centered collaboration: Presence Detection and triggers per object
Eugene Eric Kim: Collaboration Pattern Language
- should this really be a subset of Org Patterns? It seems like too narrow a context to warrant its own stand-along Pattern Language...
General/unrelated notes while sitting there
(Summarizing Is Necessary: format as Mind Mapping or IBIS? Do this straight as process of Techno Graphy?)
(document authoring: wiki needs a way to render a page as HTML that's oriented more toward straight web - no WikiWord-s links, Expanding Wiki Words, but external links ok? Then you can copy/paste elsewhere.)
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