Chaos Magick
Chaos Magick had its inception in the late 1970s when Pete Carroll began to meld together elements of Golden Dawn ceremonial magick, Thelema, Taoism and Tibetan Buddhism in his articles for the magickal journal, The New Equinox. The inspiration for this synthesis was the work of the obscure, early twentieth-century artist and sorcerer Austin Osman Spare. Spare had developed what he called the technique of SentientLetters. Pete Carroll reformed the technique, and the sentient letters were recast as 'sigils'; they became the basis of a system which aimed to generate results through the application of undogmatic magickal technique.
"Chaoists usually accept the meta-belief that Belief is a tool for achieving effects; it is not an end in itself." Pete Carroll in
A Personal View by Pete Carroll: For about a millennia and a half the existence of "God" was an incontrovertible fact of life in Christendom... I assert that we now live under a collective obsession which is even more powerful and will appear equally limiting and ridiculous to future historians... The dominant belief in all Western Cultures is that this universe runs on material causality and is thus comprehensible to reason... The main thrust of my Chaoism is against the doctrine of material causality and secondarily against most of the nonsense that passes for modern psychology...Few people noticed that in the 1930`s a serious crack was discovered in the fabric of material causality which, on the grounds of faith alone, was supposed to cover everything. This crack was called Quantum Physics, and it was pre-eminently Niels Bohr who, with his Copenhagen Interpretation, poked a finger into the crack and pried open a wrap to reveal a different reality... The majority of straight scientists find quantum physics as distasteful as a priest would find Witch Craft... Quantum physics says to me that not only is magic possible in a world that is infinitely Chaotic than we thought, but that magic is central to the functioning of this universe. This is a magical universe not a clockwork one... I consider that all events occur basically by magic; the apparent causality investigated by classical science is merely the more statistically reliable end of a spectrum whose other end is complete Chaos.
Principia Chaotica - The purpose of ChaosRituals is to create beliefs by acting as though such beliefs were true. In Chaos Rituals you Fake It Til You Make It, to obtain the power that a belief can provide. Afterwards, if you have any sense, you will laugh it off, and seek the requisite beliefs for whatever you want to do next, as Chaos moves you... Magic appeals to those with a great deal of hubris and a fertile imagination coupled with a strong suspicion that both reality and human condition have a game-like quality. The game is open ended (Infinite Game), and plays itself for amusement. Players can make up their own rules to some extent, and cheat by using parapsychology if desired... Philosophers have become no more than the keepers of useful sarcasms, for the secret is out that there is no secret of the universe. All is Chaos and Evolution is going nowhere in particular... Sacrifice Absolute Truth for Freedom at every opportunity. (cf model agnosticism)
"The first stage of seeing through the game can be a shocking enlightenment that leads either to a weary Cynicism or Buddhism. The second stage of actually applying the insight to oneself can destroy the illusion of the soul and create a magician." - Pete Carroll, quoted in Why Chaos Magicians Are Such Assholes
Essentially, Spare turned the Medieval practice of using sigils to evoke entities on its head, arguing that such supernatural beings were simply complexes in the unconscious, and could be actively created through the process of sigilization.
Spare's technique became a cornerstone of chaos magic
Chaos magic: Main article: Chaos magic § Sigils
In chaos magic, following Spare, sigils are most commonly created by writing out the intention, then condensing the letters of the statement down to form a sort of monogram. The chaos magician then uses the gnostic state to "launch" or "charge" the sigil – essentially bypassing the conscious mind to implant the desire in the unconscious
In modern chaos magic, when a complex of thoughts, desires and intentions gains such a level of sophistication that it appears to operate autonomously from the magician's consciousness, as if it were an independent being, then such a complex is referred to as a servitor. When such a being becomes large enough that it exists independently of any one individual, as a form of "group mind", then it is referred to as an egregore.
Later chaos magicians have expanded on the basic sigilization technique. Grant Morrison coined the term hypersigil to refer to an extended work of art with magical meaning and willpower, created using adapted processes of sigilization
What is a hypersigil?
Let's start first with the words of Grant Morrison who coined the term: The "hypersigil" or "supersigil" develops the sigil concept beyond the static image and incorporates elements such as characterization, drama and plot. The hypersigil is a sigil extended through the fourth dimension.
After becoming familiar with the traditional sigil method, see if you can create your own hypersigil. The hypersigil can take the form of a poem, a story, a song, a dance or any other extended artistic activity you wish to try. This is a newly developed technology so the parameters remain to be explored. It is important to become utterly absorbed in the hypersigil as it unfolds; this requires a high degree of absorption and concentration (which can lead to obsession but so what? You can always banish at the end) like most works of art.
A sigil is a symbol created for a magical purpose, originally used to bind demons or angels into service. All of those magical symbols that you’ve seen in movies are sigils.
Nowadays, chaos magicians use sigils as statements of intent, taking a desire like “I am going to write a successful doctoral dissertation” and transforming that wish or desire into visual form. The symbol becomes the focus of the spell
sigil is one image, the hypersigil not only one image but a complex interaction of vitality. Setting, characterization, and plot add multiple dimensions to the sigil.
As a comic book writer, Morrison works mainly in a visual medium, each panel of a comic book becoming its own sigil
By the fourth dimension, Morrison means that a significant amount of time needs to be invested in the creation of the hypersigil. This isn't a quick, three minute sigil but rather the result of years worth of effort
any artistic medium can be used to create it: poetry, stories, music, dance, etc.
The hypersigil is a dynamic miniature model of the magician's universe, a hologram, microcosm or "voodoo doll" which can manipulated in real time to produce changes in the macrocosmic environment of "real" life.
When creating a hypersigil, autobiography is important. What you are creating is a multi-dimensional (that is, not flat) representation of your life.
A quick definition of hypersigil then would be magical fiction. In older sources, hypersigilia is referred to as narrative magic
Hypersigils reconsidered | Technoccult
*The number of ways that hypersigilism applies to the internet/cybernetics is kind of staggering when you think on it. [1]
Think about something as basic as a myspace/facebook profile, the choices we make defining the online persona [2] which creates a manifest change in the offline world.*
The way I see it, the online persona, fictional self, or avatar one creates can create feedback loops to reinforce behaviors and perceptions and have a create significant “real world” changes in a person’s life over time
I think it depends on the role of online and offline feedback involved – if playing a character (online or off) changes the way you think of yourself and especially if changes the way OTHER people think about you, then yes – I think it does
Key 23
it made his life more exciting. For Morrison this is one of the most important aspects of magic
R.U. Sirius describes a rather easier method of achieving a “narrative lifestyle”: In terms of social engineering, I think that, you know, you think of yourself as being in a story, and life will start to have the kind of dynamics that you would have if you were in a story, rather than if you were part of some dire laborious mechanism, you know
Morrison sort of backs this up: I’d say to myself or whoever I was with, ‘It’ll look good in the biography.’ and then I’d go ahead and do whatever daft thing it was - like taking acid on the sacred mesa or doing the bungee-jump
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