Cagan Empowered
Martin Cagan book Empowered ISBN:111969129X
Notes from Q&A Dec17'2020
- with co-author Chris Jones
- Chris was at agency that Netscape worked with
- imposter syndrome
- write position docs even if you don't share, just for yourself
- Transformation
- has to start from the CEO
- the Stakeholders are often the barrier (e.g. VP Marketing)
- need CEO to push them to accept
- what to do if this hasn't been set up
- invest in the precursors
- systems reliability
- research, no-code experiments (for low-cost discovery/validation)
- invest in the precursors
- Roadmap alternatives
- what's its purpose? Is there another way to accomplish that?
- internal
- coordinate commitments
- convince bosses we're working on the most important things (Prioritize)
- external
- sales (B2B)
- alternative: Product Vision
- sales (B2B)
- internal
- see book
- reframe Projects as Candidates or Opportunities
- though readers will probably ignore this
- what's its purpose? Is there another way to accomplish that?
- Covid/wartime
- is it increasing command-and-control override?
- we're not seeing this
- might be more of an Excuse for really not Seeing the Results
- don't spend too much time on Discovery without Delivering Outcomes
- layoffs make Strategy even more important
- is it increasing command-and-control override?
- OKR top-down vs bottom-up
- problems come top-down
- "onboarding new clients takes too long: 2months"
- metric: avg onboarding time
- KR: "you have to get it down to an hour"
- that's too prescriptive
- mgmt should clarify Ambition level of target/goal
- "we need you to be really ambitious even if it's riskier"
- follow-up
- what if that's not the most important metric/KR?
- Strategy should provide the context/driver for this
- also note it's ok for multiple teams to share a target
- team decides how to solve the problem (team agency)
- problems come top-down
- coaching/empowerment vs making decisions
- senior makes Strategic decisions for Context
- dialogue around lower level decisions but don't push for your Answer
- how get Leaders to Read/Change?
- many thousands read Inspired (Cagan Inspired)
- (really?)
- give them your copy
- (reading club?)
- need to have relationship with the CEO
- many thousands read Inspired (Cagan Inspired)
- "B2B discovery is hard"
- Marty
- see esp Inspired
- this isn't true, it's actually easier in B2B!
- challenge is that most B2B products are terrible
- because they're not doing this discovery
- Marty
- PM-vs-design tension/conflict?
- PM = value
- designer = usability
- need lots of collaborative time
- not "PM write vision, designer disappears for a week"
- daily 30min review of prototype that's always shifting
- meta
- need rich/loose conversations
- esp now/remote
- need rich/loose conversations
- how deal with dependencies, other-team motivation
- "autonomy" is key framing
- design Team Topology for empowerment (cf Team Topologies)
- vs too many silos
- often a symptom of tech-debt
- though Topology is hard to change
- vs too many silos
- spread Strategic Context for coordination/motivation
- OKRs require empowerment (agency)
- most companies who try OKRs get no value
- it doesn't help drive Transformation
- just creates overhead/conflict
- but if you're driving that Transformation
- then these help a lot
- note you will always have some High Integrity Commitments as KRs
- esp Platform team
- but shouldn't have too many
- they should develop over time
- even before OKR you can nudge goals-setting from Outputs to Outcomes
- Product Manager vs ProductOwner
- don't split PM into 2 roles
- the PO skills (handed down from Scrum) aren't that important
- Marty used to not care what you called it
- now he thinks more important to call it PM
- nobody should have the PO title
- now he thinks more important to call it PM
- everyone under 1 leadership
- beware creating "Business Unit" silos
- at team level
- very rare
- Chris
- not a fan
- too brittle a topology
- people want to report to someone in their field
- Marty agrees
- coaching is hard
- but it can work
- I disagree, prefer Product Team Members Report To The Team Leader
- PMs who aren't tech or design?
- Chris
- yes can come from other areas
- liberal arts
- but can't be tech-phobic
- yes can come from other areas
- Marty
- yes, but post-college roles/learning should be tech-product already
- not finance->PM in 1 jump
- yes, but post-college roles/learning should be tech-product already
- need credibility/trust
- Chris
- buy-vs-build
- see esp Inspired
- feasibility
- does it really work?
- viability
- data access/control
- price
- Chris
- how core to biz model
- beware IT mentality of over-buying because it seems cheaper
- how core to biz model
- writing process for the book
- a lot like product work
- book is like device: can't upgrade once deployed
- concept organization is like information architecture
- blogging provides feedback which drives future posts and books
- how get coaching
- getting-started 30/60/90
- worst role is sustain-perceived-success
- see Michael Watkins
- worst role is sustain-perceived-success
- Radical Candor
- most PMs need to up their game
- usually not too hard to get ok to try experiment for a quarter
- get prepared
- have to earn trust
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