Brain Magick
Brain Magick: Exercises in Meta-Magick and Invocation by Philip Farber ISBN:0738729264
Consider the possibility of a full-sensory story, something like a motion picture, only more so, or like virtual reality.
There are billions of people with access to this exciting medium—but only some of them even realize that they are the authors, the directors, and the producers of their own full-sensory story
Of the few humans who even think about their world enough to realize their own artistic control, only a few have figured out the techniques. The result is that many of the full-sensory stories out there—billions of them—really suck. Or, for the most part, they are repetitive, predictable, and unremarkable lives based around B-movie (or worse!) plots.
Woohoo is the subtle difference between ordinary and exciting, the factor that makes just another stranger into your friend, your teacher, or your lover
Woohoo can be thought of as more of a how than a what
That decision, to woohoo or not to woohoo, usually happens outside of our conscious awareness. We can, however, make it a conscious choice.
The pursuit of a woohoo-filled life story, whatever the details of that might be for you, is the Way of Woohoo
The Model of Meta-Magick
Meta-Magick is a collection of opportunities to think about magick. Elements from a variety of theories and models, ranging from neuroscience to voodoo, are offered as clues to understand the phenomena we find in our magical experiments.
Our focus will be on the magical operation of invocation
We’ll start with a premise that magick is, at least in one important way, like every other human behavior: it derives from the interplay of our mind/body and the world
Two questions to keep in mind while experimenting with this book are: “Which of my behaviors contribute to making magick?” and “How can I use those behaviors to create maximum woohoo in my life?”
The Model of Science
science is a method of inquiry that generates theories. Theories are forms of metaphor that explain a body of data
Do the experiments and draw your own conclusions
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