Attention Economy
one aspect of the New Economy: one thing which "they're not making any more of" (Scarcity) seems to be Attention
(hmm, could stimulants create a larger pool of attention? (War On Drugs))
(or maybe the BlipVert approach will change things)
related to the Experience Economy?
what's your cognitive process of Attention Management?
in Release1.0 in 1992
Wired 1997
Thomas Davenport book
starting some thoughts...
Attention Economy is a "star system" - either you get rich or you stay poor (commoditized, OutSourcing/Off Shoring). No Middle Class?
If you can't figure out how to make your outputs "thrilling" to your "clients", you are at risk (Tom Peters)
as your career becomes Performance Art, are you performing all the time? are you never "off"? are you Always On? Do you ever have any real Slack/LeeWay? Even if your "work" is fun, how much Human Voice can you find time for? How much fun sloppiness?
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